Candace would make a SAVAGE lawyer
Justin Baldoni’s first sit down interview after all of this should be with Candace.
Ironically Baldoni set up to make a movie about male abuse towards women and ended up being the victim of female abuse! You can't make this up.
Ryan feels free to mock because no sexual harassment occurred! Blake isn’t “traumatized”. She didn’t “suffer”.
Justin has the best people backing him up: his amazing lawyer, you and the public
Saw a funny comment on another platform that basically read: "Why is Ryan showing up to his ex-wife's husband's job? Creepy." LOL
Rachel Zeglar: No one could tank their career worse than I did.. Blake Lively: Hold my Lilly Blooms
It’s becoming pretty clear that Blake and Ryan don’t have evidence to back up their claims that Justin is an evil creep. THEY are the evil creeps.
I love that Justin is practically family at this point. Gotta defend our cousin.
if the harassment allegations were true, the last thing would be mocking a situation where you wife was sexually harassed
It warms my heart every time she calls Justin her cousin ❤
Reynolds’s mocking it tells you everything you need to know
I loved LOVED Kevin Costner’s expression of disgust and LOL curiosity- like all of us 😝🤣😂
“We can’t be cancelled because we’re too connected.” That’s exactly it.
I'm from a conservative Christian family. Two of my nieces have had babies out of wedlock. What did we do? We love those babies and their mommas!
I can’t wait for the South Park episode on Ryan R and Blame Lively 😂😂😂
Ms. Candace, I am a 65 year old woman. This is my very first fan letter. I love me some Candace!!!
him showing up on SNL somewhat validates what his childhood acting teacher said about him
Every time Ryan Reynolds tells a lie, his eyes get a little closer together.