That purple and scarlet dragon is the beast of revelation!!!😱😱
So excited for Crossroads 🔥🔥🔥
Bluds basically a fallen angel at this point
Our second (surprising) two headed dragon. been waiting for a while
Thunderfang chaos dragon sounds like a name we can hear from yugioh Its awesome and long
We goin’ broke with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
I was SO excited once I learned that Zarct would be in a set. And I am not disappointed.
The tan side’s head of the ark dragon looks like the half dragon head that we get on the new dragons rising boxes. In the beginning it was arin and jiro, then it was kai and egalt, then lloyd and source dragon of motion, and now zane and ark dragon of focus’s right side
Thunderfang’s posture kinda reminds me of that of Groudon’s
Looks amazing!!!
bro ur videos are so good, I saw 2 amazing ninjago shorts and didn’t know they were both by you! When I saw you made both of them I was blown away! Keep up the amazing work man😊
Thunder Fang? Like the Pokemon move.
The one thing I want from season 3 is Arin taking sora and Lloyd down in a fight.
I have the arins hood early by coloring his old one
Could Thunderfang be Ras’s master? 🤔
These dragons are so stunning.
First Info about the Season 3 storyline
Wait, so, any dragon can become a source dragon? That is a cool concept, but how does that work?
Zarkt is really awesome