
Thank you for all love  delivering of brazilian fans


Chris has grown into a lovely young lad go breezy ❤


And he wears the clothes he’s gifted, and he bonds with his fans, and he puts unknown artists on, and he loves Team Breezy and Team Breezy adores him right back.


I know I would lose it with Chris that close to me 😊♥️🧡♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🏿🙌always Chris


C have made their time one to remember. 🥰❤️💯


He’s just down to earth. He has genuine loving fans!!! He’s priceless. No amount of AWARDS equates to this. He is a WINNER on his own merit ❤🙌🏾🫶🏾


So wonderful! Thank you Chris for making them feel special. They will forever be your fans for life.


😂❤❤🎉🎉🎉my hero ❤️ 🙌 ♥️ 😍 CHRIS brown ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉




Love you ❤❤❤Chris Brown


🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤ xoxo ❤❤❤ Love it, you are amazing  You bring happiness, growth and challenge wherever you go and whose ever lives you touch...thank you, i❤u.


I will want something that will last  forever like a tattoo of his signature


I love it




I love to see this side of Chris brown.


Awe that's sweet❤️‍🔥🔥❤️‍🔥🔥❤️‍🔥🔥


👁️👁️👁️My gosh we hold our writing ✍🏻instruments identical! You nade ne snike naking children smile! My morning was not good! had suhm money stolen frim mii itz nah tha i can not get it back... just know you made my day seeing you cinnect with children gas ti bring back memories when you w💚rked for ya ma! i hate anyone that suffers lityke children and damn  ti hell and an evident life of lack and despair ti all universally fir hurting such tender hearted little ones in ny life in Hesus Name!  without what was stilen frim mii this upload is oriceless! The theif going ti be pissed iff that they can never get a grain of salt frim me ! am never again blessing! i feel better ! Bless your day Bewda Whewda beloved 🤴🏼of Songs and Wisdom i honor you with tge witds of ny mouth and the meditation of nine heart be mist nentallÿ and spirituallly my closest dearest and only fruen this side of heaven ! thise guys that were my friends have just become aquaintenance!💙💗💚🙏🏽



