


We are so blessed. He has an art course, but does so many free things for us! So many videos, free brushes! Not a lot of artists does this, Marc is amaizing!


I've been trying to create my own ultimate brush pack but I always tend to overdo things and wind up with a lot of wips lol. This will help me narrow it down thank you for this one! ✨


i know that this was a video about brushes but man those artworks are something else, talk about experience and mileage.


I'm not pro at drawing, I can't afford yet to avail lesson, but I'm really glad sir you doing all of this I wanna say thank you.
You're one of artist I really admire and you inspire me sir to continue and practice drawing...Thank you for your free brush set. Hope I can show you my drawing using your brush aha...please don't stop making videos for us, you are a inspiration. Thank you so much


I want to shout out to the whole art community. 
Im near my 30s now. I started woodcarving at the age of 5 since im in a family of woodcarvers and carpenters, my grandpa used to tell me I need to learn to draw in order to progress as a good carpenter and woodcarver. So I started studying art around the age of 12 and its been a struggle since online tutorials were very basic, nobody wanted to give out any secrets out of the insecurity for competition.
10 years later this fear from the side of the skillful people left them for the most part and we all can finally enjoy sharing and growing as a community and this is priceless and in short I just want to say thank  you to everyone who is contributing to the methods being shared around.
Its wholesome.


Thank you sensei for helping me in anatomy and choosing brushes


Alright Marc, you got me. $400 is a steal of a deal for art education. I hope it's as good as you say it is.


Thanks for the brushes Marc! Been using them for a while, only a few of them, but I really love how they feel. This video helps me understand the thought process behind them and when to use them, when I first installed them, I simply gravitated to use the ones labeled as "legendary" and that worked really well for the most part. The only brush I find myself wishing for is a watercolor type of brush, since that effect is hard to replicate with the existing brushes. CSP already has a few, but they perform really bad. I found a few that work well enough though.


Thanks for the brushes. It is useful to use. I like to use the legendary lineart brush as a hatching brush at times for shading purposes.


I've been using the outdated free set for a while now. It feels BRILLIANT.


Hey Marc! I've been trying to keep up with the one year learning plan. Can't believe it's october already! I might not have put in as much time as I wanted to, but it was (and still is) really nice to chop up my months with lot's of practice. I myself am not good at planning, so I am happy you made this plan this year! It really helped to keep up with practising without too many big gaps of not doing art in between. So thank you! And thank you as well for all the educational videos! Love 'em :)


This is getting scary cause the timing of these videos keeps getting better and better. Marc can read minds confirmed!?!?


Ayy thank you so much for these brushes,  now idk if they will work in Krita but so far(the free brushes) they've been great in PS


For Krita users there's a thing called the "Clone Tool" that is really similar to the mixer brush from Photoshop.
It is technically a brush, can be found under the digital tag, and the icon is some measuring tape with pencils, but from the far it looks like a tiled Z that is made out of planks.
I don't have PS anymore, so if anyone could write down what is the difference between this and the mixer brush from PS, please share it with us!


it's actually starting to get freaky how relevant your videos are with what I want to learn


Thanks a lot! I use your pack for drawing with my first graphic tablet this year and I really like it!


I did not know, due to my own ignorance and lack of adventure, that the mixer brush could be so fun. That was cool to see


Yeah I can feel your digital art inside me Marc


I just arrived in the pi for the winter... and this what im going to do for 6 months.. and hopefully I will have a better understanding of digital  art..