Oiiiiii You are hardly using your slurry for your fields, But the plant also takes slurry. How about dumping out that suff there while you have the production anyways :)
The crusher, if you don’t move the belt out, buries the belt and will make it freak out. If you don’t leave it in the pit it works well
Highly recommend getting the Lizard forage pickup from the hub, its very fast at emptying silage bunkers and aims at your trailer ❤ its under Misc - Belt systems i believe. I had many ground issues with the fliegl slurry spreader, same skipping issues as the Macdon has, i hope you wont get the same problems! I switched to the kaweco with 21m unit and not a problem since. (Repost since comment seems to have vanished)
Hi daggerwin the conveyor belts is a very good idea they seem to be working just fine and if you can get a conveyor belt system running over at the rock crushing production and they work without no issues then this could be a solution to not having the Volvo wheel loader It’s still cool to have the Volvo wheel loader but if the conveyor belts work then why not use this method going forward I like the new slurry tanker I was thinking about the double applicator option might apply double the amount off slurry maybe giving you even more yield but I’m not really sure if having the double applicator option or the single applicator option makes much difference I think maybe Dennis turned up and was driving your truck around and tipped it up and went oh blimey and ran off to the nearest shop for some crisps we all know what Dennis is like drives around like the stig get out off the road out my way hahahaha 😂 we all love ❤️ Dennis
Keep playing however you want, these are only suggestions..(those bunkers at biogas you can use) fields near livestock should be Grass for hay! but you want a longer field for grass if baling... just like root vegetables... to reduce amount of turns.. Grass Field =~ 16 square bales The wheel loader will shovel the silage into bio gas and you will get your farm real fast while establishing a solid income stream at peak prices.. and as I mentioned previously about the shed that instead you should have used $ to buy the farm that has on it a massive shed and migrate existing production facilities nearer to farm. I put corn near biogas with a thresher for selling silage *@ peak prices to them .. I also like to use the grass as headlands to make it easier for the workers.. I also make the fields as rectangular as possible because it is all a matter of time efficiency & workers!!... spend the time to get the big harvestor right away and then build work crews with the tractors & trucks that follow the harvester, I reset tractors to put them in order of appearance in each work group. 2 of each harvester & root harvester.. I employ over a half dozen workers every time i go to harvest and it saves me countless hours.. when using a worker if your seeder or spreader runs out of supply it will continue seeding or spreading anyway whereas if we run out it runs out and we have to go get more seed..
your sunflower field has weeds in it you have to spray your sunflower field
Please drop the idea of buying the cement factory. We won't mind, honestly
Why don’t you sell your slurry to BGA as well makes it worth while renting it then
Great episode. I remember you using the conveyor belt system on Haut Beyleron, with quite some success. There really should be a cheaper way to harvest peas, etc than these massive machines. As you now have more videos out than anyone, what do you really think of FS25? The Production Rental is a must and makes the game playable.
By far the best way to empty a pit is by using the forage pick up as I’m pretty sure that is what they are designed to do. It’s just the front end equipment from a forage wagon that has had a pipe added to it. P.s. it can also be used at the debris crusher
One suggestion. When working on a steep hill/field, work from "left to right" instead of top to bottom if possible. This is why all the roads in the mountains are curvy but not straight. Nice series
Loving the Series! You can 100% use the same conveyor setup for the debris crusher, I'm currently using the same, I leave the pickup conveyor at the mouth of the bunker and it picks up all the way to the back.
You know, a good wheel loader is also "for the farm" so to speak, remember how much time it would save you if you had that huge wheel loader, a brand new one as well! Both for the stone factory and the silage, and soon to be manure 😅 Buy the wheel loader, BUY THE WHEEL LOADER!
Regarding the second farm, maybe simply take out a huge loan and buy it and the fields.
Peas are great anytime really, look at the difference, its only $150/1000....
I use the same conveyor set up at the debris crusher and it works just fine. A little slow but it works.
Should put the slurry into the BGA instead. You get almost as much digestate back as it consume slurry, and you get paid for it.
Dagger i love this series and it is my birthday today 🎉
You will see Biogas Income in the finances tab. It will probably be good.