
Coming to a complete stop after a space mission must be the best feeling ever.


Still a thing of beauty. To all who gave all, blessings to you and your loved ones.


For all of its problems, the tragic fatalities, there was an elegance to its successes. God rest you brave souls who flew.


To those not in the know.. The space shuttle wasn’t a plane, it was a glider… A very heavy glider with no propulsion. The astronauts had to reenter the atmosphere and then navigate this literal flying brick to the landing strip and do it all with gravity and a very heavy glider. If they missed their entry point, they would bounce off into space… If they missed the landing strip, there was no fly around to try it again. The skill and mathematics that went into these landings cannot be understated.


One of the test pilots described them as having all the aerodynamic characteristics of a house brick 😂😂.


I like the classical music in the background
Nice touch


My father had a lot to do with the shuttle 😢 Newton Elmore RIP 1996  , you would be proud Dad miss ya ❤


That was the Greatest Moment and Feelings in my life


The Shuttle is gliding.
Only has One try. Good job.


Awesome moment. America can achieve greatness when we work together. Amen!


They were great when they worked. The few times they did not was too tragic for the program to survive. RIP shuttle crews....


Beautiful bird and landing.


So proud to be an American! Look at this magnificent machine in all of its glory ❤


I miss these ships it really felt like we were going places.


Another perfect landing !! Those pilots are sure well trained !! 🇺🇸


Landing at Edward's produced a double sonic boom passing over Phoenix. It woke me up, I turned on the TV just in time to see it land.


I never get tired watching those Shuttles land.  My dad's good friend in the Air Force designed the heat shield tiles they used on the shuttles.


Most common people have no clue of what went into this landing. Instruments/communication/skill/planning. They just think it’s a plane landing. No.


An amazing piece of engineering.


A flying brick, amazing skills