Hi, Kiko. Your sister did a very nice work on that scarf, looks nice as well as warm. That v in the back of that shirt looks fashionable and elegant. Since you finished the fingerless gloves,(which are adorable) you now have opened up a time slot for another project, lol. Arne and Carlos kal is looking interesting, your choice of blue looks just as nice as the red. Hopefully you will get those knitted socks in time, is it true it takes about 35,000 stitches for a sock? I haven't tried socks yet but will try someday, I would like to see a photo shot of your work station, just curious. 😊 (before you tidy up)lol. See you on the tube. 😊😊
None of the things you pointed out on the V neck t shirt stood out at all! I think it is very pretty.