Gilbert, AZ
Please address the Pope’s recent remarks on Blessing same sex marriages and now giving Baptism to transgender people. Please discuss these topics.
Cole Village,Nova Scotia,Canada
Petersburg Texas
Edmonton, Alta ,Canada
San Diego Ca.
Mableton ,Georgia❤
Episode 310 My question is…. Father Mike said it is acceptable to have a Legitimate medical Procedure, in order to have children if you can not otherwise conceive. What are these examples of legitimate procedures??
Sorry. If it causes the death of the donor it is wrong to donate an organ. Many organs have to be harvested BEFORE the person is dead. Please review this again also with Father Tad from the National Center of Bioethics. Thanks. Agnes
If a man and a woman make personal vows to give themselves each to the other and then proceed to live together can you explain why they are sinning because they have not entered into marriage.
t can see where the love story on tv or the love novel can be a source of comparing your normal marriage to this glorious world presented in the book or on the screens. This could cause one to think that their marriage is lacking in some way. However, it is a nice escape once in awhile. It is nice once and awhile to see everything comes out just right. This might not be real life, but won't it be nice if all of us ended up in happy ever after. Oh that would be eternity with God.🥰
From Australia
Romance novels are not a modern form of literature or art. It is dangerous to insinuate that one would know pornographic literature in a society over stimulated with sexualized material and innuendos. The other part of this danger is that our society because of its lack in properly formed consciences will have a more challenging time seeing clearly these material as pornoghapic. We must remember just because we dont see something as evil or leading us away from Christ and his virtues does not mean it isn't. The devil works slowly on us giving us all small amounts of poison until he has us subdued for the spiritually killing blow. Though men and women can both be seduced by literature we know from science a woman is more likely seduced via this platform. Men are more likely to be seduced visually. I have talked with 20 some year olds who feel and believe that 50 shades book or movie are mere works of art and that just because they watch or read it it's not bad cuz they say they know that people deserve respect and love. But reality is sin is sin. The sins of immodesty and blasphemy can not be suggested when done they are committed. What I mean is murder can be acted out violence can be pretended but any form of suggested immodesty is immodest. And any words blaspheming our God and all He loves is blaspheming.
Woman preaching 👎🏻👍🏼
Cole Bay Saskatchewan Canada