The third game needs to have a lot more super dark environments like the beginning of Fallen Order. The way the lightsaber looks and reflects off enemies in the dark is just a work of art
I literally just sit and wait for the next Nick930 video.. JACKPOT!
8:27 .... one of the pet peeves I have with Jedi fallen order, was the Holo map...It confused me to no is good to see they improved this part.
This channel needs more recognition especially from these video game companies to show that we are paying attention to their efforts. These games in particular are graphically amazing and I can’t wait to see how games look once they start making them with unreal engine 5.
The running feels way more video gamey in the sequel. Cal takes off like a video game character just bolting from the beginning, but I remember him kinda lurching forward in a very human about to run type of way.
Dodging is also different in Jedi: Survivor. Cal dodges more skillfully and concentrates as he's doing so. No, I'm not talking about precision evade. In Survivor, Cal actually closes his eyes if you do a standard dodge in the backwards direction. He also seems to become somewhat see-through and transparent while in the act of dodging.
In the fallen order, lightsaber ignition sound differs from colour to colour
I always appreciate the level headed take on games 👍🏼
The most important question: Does Jedi Survivor contain any ponchos? Cam Monaghan needs to know...
To me the Art Direction was better in the first game, more fantasy like. Jedi Survivor looks very real.
Can’t believe this channel isn’t at million subs yet. You deserve more!!
2:11 my boy Cal rocking the Anakin lego hair
I just appreciate that’s there’s a lot more to do and explore outside of the main story in Jedi Survivor
I'm just gonna say Cal rocking the beard reminds me of Captain America in Infinity War
great comparison video once again, Nick! have not been following the lore of Star Wars but i love Jedi: Fallen Order, although perhaps due to lack of optimization, performance is still unstable playing with newer pc hardware looking forward to play Jedi: Survivor! i see lots of additions to the game
I kind of prefer what looks like deeper contrast/more saturated colors in the first game
I think the lighting looks way better in the first one at least from the videos I've seen. The new one seems to have way too much contrast or something.
Would love to hear whether the initial patches do something about that framerate. Kind of crazy that this was captured on a 4090.
Great in depth comparrison video as always mate :) Looks like a wicked game