
1. Luma's Dream Machine
2. Runway Gen-3
3. Runway Gen-2


1. Luma's Dream Machine
2. Runway Gen-3
3. Runway Gen-2


1 - Runaway gen 2
2 - Runaway gen 3
3 - Luma Dream Machine


2 weeks are a long time in our new AI world! : )


1. Runway Gen-3
2. Luma's Dream Machine
3. Runway Gen-2


This video is incredibly creative in showcasing new AI tools like Runway Gen 3 and its ambitious vision!


1. Runway Gen-3
2.Luma's Dream Machine
3. Runway Gen-2


Great vid. Exciting time now!
1. Luma 2. RunwayG3 3. RunwayG2


We still need to convince a rich person to fund our actual film projects. With the hundreds of iterations required for every image which then get iterated again when attempting to create a useable video clip, and the costs of every tool being $20-40-100-499/month, and there being dozens of tools, the costs for a solo creator are still out of reach ($1000s per month just in subscriptions).

Using just Luma as an example, it will cost about $500 in credits just to get a single useable 5 minute clip from which you can trim one shot. And by usable, I'm referring to Shy Kids claim that they had to run 100s of iterations for each scene in their short balloonhead video from a few months ago... and the consistency in that was not great. And they had a ton of post production to do as well. And that was in Sora which purportedly takes hours to generate a single short clip. So hundreds of hours and 1000s of dollars to create each scene. Oof.

I guess we'll be "creating" random little 2 minute scenes that we have very little control over for the near future. They don't tell my story, but they look cool! /s


1 Luma
2 Runway Gen-3
3 Runway Gen-2


1. Luma Dream Machine
2. Runway gen 3
3. Runway gen 2


1. Luma
2. Gen 3
3. Gen 2


1 - Luma Dream machine
2 - Runway Gen 3
3 - Runway Gen 2


1.Runway Gen-2
2.Runway Gen-3
3.Luma Dream Machine


1. Luma's Dream Machine
2. Runway Gen-3
3.Luma's Dream Machine


1.Runway Gen 2
2. Runway Gen 3 
3. Luma's Dream Machine


When will runway v3 be available?


1: Runway gen-2
2: Runway gen-3
3: Luma's Dream Machine


I hope I live to see a time when you getq to put your favourite book into one of these and it recreats everything perfectly.


1. Luma dream machine; 2. Runway gen 3; 3. Runway gen 2