
ppl think im bullshitting y'all gotta see my xbox gamerscore 💀 Check out Warframe: 1999 now! https://t.warframe.com/c/8wdpz6


Warframe is the misus in gaming, even if we take a break, Warframe will always waiting for us, respecting our time




Holy shit, I love warframe so much once you get a build that’s fully set up seeing all the red numbers is better than anything in the world


I have about 2k hrs on Warframe. I don't play it anymore though as I don't like to stick to 1 game for a very long time.
I would like to say that the WF community is by far the best community I have been in. Of course there will be bad apples here are there but it's very rare. I encountered 2 or 3 players like that as far as I can remember.
When I started the game I was just as clueless as everyone and overwhelmed by everything in the game which I had to learn. It's a known joke to say WF players have the wiki open on their second monitor while playing.

How's the community so great?
During my early days into the game as everyone I was pretty much broke and had no premium currency. I wanted Wukong Prime because... monkee. I texted in the QnA channel on how to get him and came to know he was vaulted at that time. Vaulted means, the relics that contains his parts are no longer available to farm, like gacha banner they come and go but the relics you farm in period will stay in your inventory and can be sold and bought with other players. I was a little bummed about it and within the next 10min 3 people dm-ed me offering to give the full set for free because they had extras. In the end they ended up giving me a wukong, Saryn and volt prime sets for no cost and helped me farm their mats the whole week. I did in fact return the favor back to the community by giving free sets and weapons for new players.


Firefly is a Tenno, change my mind.


"Ohh someone trying Warframe... ohh they play Limbo..."


WELCOME BACK huge fan of you and warframe so glad to have ya in the community 😀


I've been re-addicted to Warframe recently. Their recent balance changes and the new update have been really really awesome for the game in general. Been no-lifing it. Great game, awesome stuff.


I'm so fucking glad everyone is coming back to Warframe, really warms my heart


hell yeah man, i love warframe. i hope you do more videos on this. if you've been away for ten years, then hoo boy, the quests and everything in general really is gonna...lets just says its been a trip.


As an Excalibur main who has played since the beta 11 years ago... 
I would just like to say: We welcome you back with open arms Tenno. 🥰


we got zy0x on warframe and now brax on warframe, DE do be getting some pog CCs out here


1:42 shots fired


To be clear the proto frames are NOT a "before we got here" concept nor are they prequel frames, but saying why spoils the story and lore.


A certain space mmo catching strays again


My friends showed it to me like 2015 on PS4. Didn’t know anything about the game, just spammed melee as Inaros whole falling off the map, doing planet missions with friends who were mostly Excaliburs, Volts, Rhinos or Lokis


0:18 OMG a fellow Limbo main! Cheers!


I don’t know what should surprise me more the fact that Brax played Warframe before or the fact that he was a Limbo main


wait why do people hate limbo 😭