bro the dream catcher episode about helping muscleman fight off his nightmares about that strange kids show was the scariest imo and i was expecting to see it atleast in this video
Yeah, I think it's fairly obvious that Muscle Man being skinned was the best Terror Tales of the Park episode. Period
no lie ello governor scared the daylights out of me as a kid that in my opinion is the scariest regular show episode
4:07 Ngl I didn’t even know they had ears except rigby😅
I forgot about skips stress😭ts was terrifying
The best Halloween special episode of a Cartoon Network show ever😭
15:57 now that a real muscle man
“Kids” Show!
I swear the “Skips' Stress” was one episode I couldn’t stand. Seeing the blank stress ink on his body just made my skin crawl. It’s like trypophobia territory without it actually being trypophobia
no way bro has almost 100K subs you're doing a great job keep it up
Regular show does have a nightmare fuel page on TV tropes for this very reason
Season 5 Terror Tales of the Park III with Jebediah Townhourse 🗣
0:48 starys normal then goes off the rails? You mean like every single reggular show episode
loving the content bro
video idea Phineas and Ferb's scariest episode
Bro in the house is more funny than scary
Y'all know why she was scared of specifically Rigby being a robber
You should do Scary Clarence's Episodes and Include the Dream Episode