I absolutely love your videos. I feel the joy that emanates from you and your smile makes me smile every time I see you. Thank you for being a bright light ❤
When you showed the terrific germination of carrots on the paper towel, I had to go check mine! I planted on the paper towel the same day you did, after watching you do it on video. YUP! GERMINATED! Going to the garden at first daylight!
For greens consider Egyptian Spinach. It’s very heat tolerant and has an almost creamy texture as you eat it. Mine is huge and now flowering with these tiny yellow flowers love it!
You have me so excited opening those packages I too will be moving to South Carolina. I already started collecting all that I have and thanks to your greenhouse. I’ve been collecting windows and doors. I’m so excited. Maybe one day. We’ll meet up the good work. I’m watching your videos.
Hello, I am certain that those are not green beans but are cow peas or purple hull peas. I have picked my share, growing up. They can be shelled green and cooked when they fill out more or left to dry. Thank you as always for sharing. ❤😊
I bought a blackberry bush from Lowes for $6 in their section where they're getting rid of stuff. I call it the sick and dying section but it was only $6 and it's the one that does not have any thorns which is terrific for me
I sauteed sweet potato leaves for the first time. They tasted like spinach. This year, there are a lot of flowers. If the flowers are an indication of the number of tubers, I will be ecstatic. I am torn because I read that the flowers actually take energy from the tubers. I did pull off a few flowers, though. I purchased perlite and vermiculite in bulk for the first time this year as well.
Good morning happy Monday thanks for sharing your beautiful garden and Amazon haul.
This is amazing help I’ve been gardening for 3years now & im learning so much this is the best one thank you
Awesome deals!!! Your germination and starts are looking good!!!
I just ordered the covers and blackberry plants.I love it's thornless. I hope you get the credit.❤ I just cleaned out my sectional grow bags area today.I have another area to clean up and refresh, and THEN get the last greenstalk filled up.Whew! My plugs ( cabbage and collards) should be here soon.❤
Hey Tee, awesome video. Love your gardening excitement, happy gardening 👩🏽🌾 ❤😊
I now have something to look foward to. I am growing sweet potatoes also. The vines are big and beautiful and made it through our horrible 115 and above temps. But no flowers yet. A nursery told me to wait until April to harvest those potatoes! A long way to go in my AZ low desert garden!!! Love your thornless blackberries!!! Haven't tried to purchase them yet!
Great information. Thank you for all the information.
your beet sprouts look beautiful ! Also great find on the bulk Perlite - I must have used 12 bags of that stuff this season 😕
I love your channel ❤😂
Thank you❤
Oh thanks for that info I’ll be ordering both of those that vermiculite looks like good quality. I may add that perlite to all my beds. I bought horrid soil this year specifically a brand I used to use now it’s all wood no soil. After adding compost in the last 3 weeks everything has started putting on bigger fruit and greened up. For onions Vidalia supposedly grows really good for us. Asters are butterflies fave type of flower if I remember correctly 😊 I used to come home daily on my lunch breaks to check on my garden 🪴 Jade Is a pole bean?! 🤦🏽♀️ I def planted it in the wrong place 😅 I def assumed it was a bush. Next year I will be gardening like I did last year.
Hi Tee! Those earrings 😍🥰. I’m disappointed in my beets that I direct sown still no germination😩. Will be doing more😂. I like beets myself.