
picture of Whatsit with the caption: "You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like."


This video is well timed. There will be a total lunar eclipse tonight.


Swear to God this campaign's gonna end with Bodger flipping a coin at Kelothac while Baradun grapples and shoves a mask on his face while Greg fires blinding heals to disorient him and Bob does his bloodbath move to restart the whole wither cycle all over again


24:35 Wotsit's chaotic nature renders him unpredictable as outside the conventional spacetime continuum. He has no future, which mesmerizes the hag of the future.


With how bad the Under Study was, I’m starting to wonder if it was Keneth🤔


Yey! On the 13th of February, I found this channel and binge-watched all episodes, and here, exactly one month later, I am finally caught up with the release! What a journey! Now it is time to get a Viva+ subscription and check out episode 227. 
I love you, VLDL! You are saving my sanity during this shit show of our current world affeirs.


I reckon I'll cry when this campaign ends! 4+ years of my life with you guys, got family members i've spent less time with 🤣


From like... a 'video game' perspective it makes sense... she was an earlier enemy when they were WAY weaker... then they came back over leveled and curb stomped her


Imagine the chaos of a VLDL campaign with no comedy retracts.


It occurred to me the other day that B.O.B. could wear the Mask of No Sight to make himself invisible, while using Wotsit as his eyes, therefore negating the need to ever hide and always getting a sneak attack.


Its more romantic to says she fked up and predicted baradun to cast a spell on this eclipse day which caused her death


Bodger the BARBARIAN : Have we tried reasoning with her?


With the death of the final hag, the only boss(es) left is/are the final boss(es).  We're in the endgame now.  Chills.


A small object falls from the ashes as Endalin fades away. You hear a wooden clatter onto the stage floor. It echos across the room... and from the floor you hear......  "Mamma"


( Also, now, Zybilna obtains full power ) 27:53


Ah, so that's why Endolyn was destined to perish during an eclipse – it messed with her dice ro--, err, hag magic, and made her especially vulnerable...


20:00  Yeah, but I'll bet Bodger rocks that feathery beard.  Don't let Sandra see him like that or we might never see either of them again.  🤣


Love how Bob describes what's actually happening whenever we move, throw something etc. "somewhere in my subconscious my brain is doing the math"


26:29 Coming from the ladies campaign where Sneaky gives the gold to Arrow after killing Calzette, the moment was epic XD


I would have loved it if Wotsit's dance routine caused Endolyn (as a theatre patron) to become "critically enthralled" by his performance, resulting in her losing her action next turn!

Me (about 20m later): 🤯🤣🤯