If he killed 7 enemy ships in a 6 ship lineup he might just had a chance...
Ah yes the Tennesse... A minni Vermont - a minni brick... a brickling so to say
I blame the hipper. He could not cut his teammate off quickly enough to yolo into death full broadside while open and out in the open.😂
Hi Jingles! Tennesse is a deceptive battleship by the way; she may be slow and easy to hit, but she will ALWAYS land hits on you, bar only by how good of a marskman the captain is. The dispersion (to put it in perspective) is just a very tiny smidge away from that Ignacio Alliende, they sunk. That's right; at the same reach of Alliende's 15km, she actually BEATS that cruiser by a 1m tighter vertical dispersion and Alliende only beats her by 9m in horizontal dispersion. She is actually JUST as accurate as that cruiser, bar a 0.1 less sigma, with more than double the caliber that Alliende can put up, and more than 4.5x the broadside throw in damage. She is the textbook definition of "broadside hunter" as she essentially has cruiser accuracy, paired with a 20km range, and the FASTEST USN shells in tier. The only saving grace that stops this ship from overperforming is the fact that she has the lowest AP penetration of all T8 USN battleships, but that is to be expected given all of her T8 USN sisters all have 16" guns appropriately.
1:02 "And both titles are just as free-to-play on console as they are on PC." Rofl, that's quite a clever way to put it.😁
Only took 3m 40s to hear the Great Bearded One say the magic words. Lol
With WoWs getting into ship explosions I think they should give those of us who may dislike subs one of our own - when you sink a sub one of the crewmen should come flying out of the explosion/waterspout with a tortured wailing scream. Now THAT would put a smile on anyone's face!
@7:25 Benson is my favourite Royal Navy tier 8 DD
Crikey... down to the wire that one. Well played to the tenessee
Thank you for sharing Mr. Overlord! Good game to the players!
7:30 that benson looks a lot like a cossack
I'm a legends player and bro let me tell you I love wows but we didn't even get a Christmas season Instead it was cyber themed which as a whole was well put together but a waste to use it over the festive season. Not to mention the complete embarrassment of crates theyve offered, more expensive but less rewards and even less ships, we keep getting the same ships we already have but as winter variants which sucks. Weegee has also rewarded players who havent logged in for months with a load of free goodies while active players who play daily get absolutely zero bonus for loyalty or whatever, just a shitty common crate for each login and that is all. There is a lot to be grateful for on console I'm sure but it's not easy when players see talented Devs push for cheap cash grabs over genuine content, but that is the weegee way Don't even get me started on chkalov
3:32 I winced here, because as a Cruiser Main, I knew this was going to hurt.
I love the thought of WOWS higher ups watching this and other WOWS videos by jingles, being aware of the numerous bugs and stuff that needs fixing, not doing ANYTHING about it and just selling you the new premium ship or tank. I want a premium carrier and premium artillery please lol
Haha, i was like "That's a padling" seconds before the overlord says the exact same thing. Speaking of the I Allende
That Massachusetts moment had me smiling ear to ear! The infamous meme reference was perfection! 🤌
Jingles: "I hope you all enjoyed it" Ofcourse we enjoyed it mighty overlord.
how funny is it that Legends is sponsored on a video with the Tennessee, a boat we have in her pre-refit form. It would be nice to see her in Legends with her 1943 refit.
Famously, in Legends groups, I was known for this type of cheeky comment: the Tennessee should have carried harder. To ensure victory, one must do ALL the work instead of relying on others.