i miss themmmmmmm
God i love these guys !! mblapp
you boys need to come to america pronto. like right now.
i would love that app
Lol, Jake's face at 1:48 <3
Im going to get this on my i pod touch tomorrow!!
Nothing better than Jake without a shirt.
i would die for that hat..
Downloaded! :)
hahaha 0:29 love you guys
Downloading the app as we speak<3
Makes me want an iPhone even more now...
*Filmed in Victoria, BC* ;)
Look at that immobile. LOL
WANT. And omg Jacob ♥ lol
Thumbs up if you want Jake to talk about all his tattoos!!!!! CX
Chris: *points to ice pack on jake's leg* "Look at that, immobile" Jake: :(
OMIGOD YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The title is, "Hedley Goes Mobile", and yet, "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile"!!!!!! I NEEEEED to watch this video!!! Hafta wait 2 days for it now. :'(
1:45 "Look at that. Immoblie"