
your english is easy to listen for non English native.I'm looking forward to next new video.


Wow thank you so much i researched everywhere and i didnt understand what it was but this video helped me Understand it.


How about first explaining the meaning of the abbreviations?
VFR = Visual Flight Rules
IFR = Instrument Flight Rules


Nice video :) I really appreciate you to make these kinds of wonderful video. And I think that this is so easy to understand that can be used for real controller's education video! 😃😃


thank you for keep dropping dope videos .


Can you make a video explaining the differences of the different airspace classes please


This was SOOOOO helpful. Thanks!


A new video after so long time!!!😍


This is very informative and in a very simple manner. 
Thank you 😊


Amazing channel. Thank you for everything. Do you a have a video about all types of aerospace. I really wanna know about them more.


Thanks for this video.


Hi! Your videos are great! Can you make a video about pilots and atc-s? Witch job is better?




Wait a new video for too long time


Hey guys, just discovered you, why did you quit ? Your videos are so good and educational, please, I'M WAITING FOR A NEW VIDEO 😢


Watching from India


Please make a video on VOR too. 🙂


This has helped me alot


Must be made for fifth graders.  Besides being wrong about VFR where one relies on all the instruments and  not only what one sees out the window. 
Then IFR where one relies strictly on the instruments for navigation and aircraft control until the last few seconds when one relies almost on only the eyes out the window to land.

