
"I always wanted to talk to him about his reason for covering "Man Who Sold The World", it would have been nice to have worked with him, but just talking would have been real cool" 
-David Bowie


School,exams,anxiety but this. This does put a smile in my face.

We love you Kurt


3:12 I died when Dave made that expression with his face


the worst day of my life was hearing he'd died on the radio. dude I swear i drank two whole bottles of bacardi and listened to in utero for a week, its still hard to listen to this, it was like losing a brother, I am typing this through tears/ happysad


Being a teen during that time was amazing. Kurt and Nirvana's music never grow old. RIP Kurt


It's very cute the fact that Kurt seems kind of nervous and tries to do it again. He is unbelievably beautiful and he has angelic voice🫶🏻💗🫶🏻


I’m a huge Bowie fan, but Kurt doing this song was perfect. I was lucky enough to see Bowie and Nirvana in concert. ☮️☮️ when unplugged came out I remember being glued to mtv that night.


Remember sitting in my hotel room watching MTV in Paris when this was being aired. Great memories of Paris and Nirvana. Bloody fantastic days.


Kurt is super into what he's playing while Dave seems like he's trying to restrain himself from going super hard on the drums and Krist honestly just looks bored. Thank God for this messy, raw, charismatic part of musical history that we call Nirvana.


The thing I love about this gig is the combination of Kurt taking this gig as one of the most important ones of his life while also wanting it to be over as quickly as possible. It's a unique dynamic that is thorough throughout the whole performance


Saw this video in December 1993 shortly before Christmas on German TV. Completely unexpected I switched to my MTV channel and saw an unknown band at MTV unplugged. The concert had just started and I was completely stoned lying on my couch. As the concert went on it was like an awakening. I never had the same experience afterwards anymore. The evening was almost over for me until I saw Curt unplugged. After the concert I couldn’t sleep and went out to my favorite club dancing and drinking all night. Never will forget this time of happiness that came completely unexpected to my life. The next six or seven weeks I was listening to nothing else then Nirvana. To me the greatest artist of the 90s, especially Curt. R.I.P.


Моему сыну 12 лет,он слушает Курта с лет 10-ти,мне 36-я подольше уже слушаю конечно,я к чему,что такая музыка никогда не выйдет из моды!И Слава Курту за это!


Imagine how honored those people must feel knowing that they saw this musical icon live?


We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago
Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world
I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
We walked a million hills
I must have died alone
A long, long time ago
Who knows?
Not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world
Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world


every time i get a notification from this channel it puts the biggest smile on my face :)


I love that little Tweak at 4:18



You can see Kurt just going with the flow but when they went LIVE, he took it seriously. Love it!!!!


I think this is the best cover I have ever seen in my life. It sounds like it’s his song. He gives it an indescribable unique feeling.


what an absolute blessing that we have TWO versions of this perfect rendition. My favorite solo of all time & as about as haunting as it gets.


This song is one of the coolest things in this damn world!!!!
I was born in the USSR. And I very rarely saw or heard Foreign performers , but everything changed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when I was 12, my father bought an antenna for satellite TV. He wanted me and my brothers and sisters to learn foreign languages by watching foreign programs on TV. The whole family could just sit in front of the TV all day. Our favorite channels were music. I clearly remember this concert on MTV. Even though I was 12, I recorded this concert on vhs.  And I constantly reviewed it. Even then, I knew that this concert was legendary.