Brazil is #1, the largest Christian Catholic country in the world...
I am a Christian!!!From Canada, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior Amen Amen Amen
Im Palestinian Christian ☦️✝️✝️✝️
God bless, Arab Christians we need to keep on growing y'all 😍😍😍🤩🤩
Proud to be ex-Muslim from Azerbaijan, I accepted Christianity
So blessed to be Catholic! With love and charity.❤ From the Philippines where Catholic traditions are alive and kicking!
Proud to be followers of Jesus Christ from Kukiland,India
12:27 Philippines 🇵🇭 it's very true I'm proud to be a catholic I'm from Philippines 🇵🇭
Християнка съм от България.Бог да ви благослови братя и сестри във вярата!❤ 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
Proud to be a Christian from Pakistan
I'm Christian from Malaysia ❤
Congratulations to my nation Brazil, we are second in the Christian Faith, I am proud to be a Protestant Christian, may GOD bless my Brazilian nation, we have corrupt politicians who say they are Christians, but they are not in fact, they are false, others are atheists and in that Corruption comes, the True Christian loves his country and treats his people well, may GOD bless Brazil!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
i'am Christian from Indonesia 🇮🇩♥️✝️
A humble Christian from Jamaica 🇯🇲 Jesus Christ is Lord.
I am form 👉 INDIA 🙏 Praise the lord...❤ Jesus Christ ❤. Save everyone in this entire universe
Here as a christian 🇱🇧✝️
Glory to our soon coming King Jesus Christ.I'm a Christian from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
Proud to God show me you true. God bless we my brother and sister from Brazil🔰
I'm Christian from Nicaragua 🇳🇮✝️