
Dagg, I was watching the Farm Sim Guy and he had a tutorial on the long grain rice:

Stage(day) 0: Create Field and do not flood, then plant and fertilize.
Stage 1: Flood and fertilize to 100% if not already.
Stage 2: Flood at midnight or 1st thing
Stage 3: Flood at midnight or 1st thing
Stage 4: Do nothing
Stage 5: Harvest

I've tried this method and have not been getting the ghost rice lol


If you plough before planting grass im sure you get a permanent 30% yeild boost


The newest mod mower (Kongskilde Mower Pack) has a 12.3m mower


Found a new collectible in the forest of plot 58 on a stump! It’s about halfway between the plot number and the bottom of the plot and a little to the left!


"mc" fascination came from a public naming contest from the british or scot government, requesting names for a ferry. Boaty McBoatFace won that one, and it is used very often since then


put the bale in the side and you can fit two at the time in the angus pasture


Farm looks good I like the layout 6:51


Perfect rice: check pump daily. Simple lol


In 2012 an owl in an adopt a bird program was named Hooty McOwlface.
In 2016 BBC radio Jersey presenter James Hand suggested Boaty McBoatface in homage to the owl. In a name our ship poll.
It then gathered traction on the internet from that.


Also for the rice flooding it always goes right if you make a habit of visiting it immediately every time you slept the night, and click flood if it lets you. It'll never go wrong, it doesnt let you flood if its not needed!


As far as the “ blank mcblankface” jokes, I believe it comes from a boat naming contest and the winning submission was, you guessed it. “Boaty mcboatface”

I personally think it’s funny.


Reposting this comment about rice yield from previous video as u probably didnt see it😅
"Dagg hear me out on HOW TO GET PERFECT RICE YIELD -> if u dont want to get withered rice fields follow these:

RICE (saplings): 
Keep the field flooded after planting for the next two months before it has to be dry for the third growth stage. This means u need to get up at 00:00 in may and june and flood the fields not in the morning as it is too late (half a month gone). As soon as u start flooding them u can get back to sleep.

With this variety, the rice field should only be flooded when the first green sprouts have emerged from the soil (the next month after planting/first growth stage). Then flood the fields for about two months (again at midnight every time) before it has to be dry for the third growth stage.

Both need to be fully fertilized before they are flooded. When both varieties come to the third growth stage u can just leave them until they need to be harvested and u shouldnt have any withered rice as long as u get up at midnight and do the flooding as i said. 
Im glad u saw my previous suggestion and i hope this one helps u since i saw u struggle with withered crop🔥"


I really like the bailer with the big windrows I think there like 20 meters wide!

Love the vids!


I like the way you produce food for your animals and the rest you put in productions when possible. I think you should do root crops in your next series


Love a daggerwin video as I drink coffee to wake up on an crappy early rainy morning


Hi Dagg,

I think that at the stage the fatm had come to you could leverage more on workers to take care of the repetitive jobs like: mowing, tedding and sowing.

I know they are less efficient but at this stage money isn't the problem but this will help you reach your goals quicker and should be easier to make more of yhese awsome videos.

I think with the the mega cowshed you'll be so busy keeping up with food that all other productions and goals will suffer otherwise.

I even wouldn't be against courseplay although i know that's not teally your style.

Keep up the great work!



The British Antarctic Survey had a competition/vote to name the replacement for the James Clark Ross survey ship, somehow Boaty McBoatface made the short list and then won the vote. Absolutely appalling! I actually worked on a bid for it quite a few years before the contract was even placed never mind when the name was decided, kind of glad our bid didn't win. I don't even know where it was built in the end.


You can use production mod for hay drying. Saves one step on the fields.


The Angus cows seem high maintenance! Maybe someone will come out with a modded field that has a higher capacity hay and water storage


I can't belive Daggerwin doesn't know the Boaty McBoatface!!!