Super Break Welt with no sustain is insanely fun. Break the enemy once and you send their AV to the shadow realm.
looks like rules aren’t the only thing MC likes to break - thanks for the fast guide as always!
Star Rail devs thought "how can we put hyperbloom into HSR" and then they made Super Break
I did a superbreak Welt team with MC and RM this MoC12 and I haven't had this much fun in a while. It's so refreshing to have more play style variety
Harmony MC literally said “EVERYONE is a dps now”
It's nuts that the MC is now meta
Can't believe it's the same company that made hydro traveller 💀
my favorite part of dan heng is when he says "break" but does not, in fact break anyone
We can’t stress how good Xueyi is nowadays. The fact that you can use the Misha LC for more CR and BE, the existence of HMC and RM. Quantum set for def ignore. Hybrid Crit/BE build (albeit very very high ceiling. Almost to a point where she is technically the highest scaling unit in this game in terms of relic building). If you can manage it, and you have perfect rolls on your pieces with BE/Crit/Atk/Spd, I can guarantee you she will NOT disappoint you. In due time, you will get the perfect relics. If Tingyun is the secret 5 star support, then a well built perfect Cell Xueyi is a secret 5 star DPS
The Xueyi - RM - Hat TB - Gallagher team is absurd for floor 11 this cycle I lucked out and got Xueyi to E6 on this banner and she's already becoming one of my favorite characters
I hate how i missed Ruan Mei and didnt realise how integral she is for building so many endgame teams.
Thanks for covering everybody! Most guides I've seen just cover a few alternatives. As I don't have Ruan Mei, I have to use alternatives, and thanks to this video, I am looking at several potential teams already. I'm still relatively new, so it will be a little while before I can build some of them, as I need to focus on maxing one team first, but it's great to have goals I can be confident in.
My favorite thing about hyperbreak is how even if your dps isn't built for break effect if they do decent toughness damage they can do fine. Had a lot of fun with a welt superbreak team even though he's built for crit and ehr
With HMC being the only character that can activate super break, it can be said that MC is now an indispensable character in any break team, very strong!
I have been playing so much Xueyi, Ruan Mei, HatBlazer, Ghallager since getting HatBlazer. Superbreak is just stupid fun, and watching Xueyi huck her throwing brick into the abundance deer's face for like 170k feels so good xD
Great guide, just what i needed. Was hoping a honorable mention to sampo though since he can use the Herta 5* LC which gives BE and energy. With that u can recharge ult fast which gives massive toughness damage to all enemies.
Hey bud, thanks for always doing all the crazy tc and testing. Not all heroes wear capes - this time the hero wears a hat (nice render, btw) Stay awesome! :_GuobaHeart::_GuobaHeart::_GuobaHeart::_GuobaHeart:
Thanks guoba love ur vids! Usually i use it as a sleep ritual but today's vid really addressed the issue i have without ruanmei! Im tired of all vids saying ruanmei ruanmei required