Yes yes! Ending up in random smoke filled basements that were pure ragers in the early and mid 00’s was lit!
I can totally relate to this I remember being 15 and lying to my mom about going to a sleepover and I went to some shady places with shady people. I’m surprised I’m still alive. Thank you God.
Oh I love flip phones. The feminine urge to just snap it shut as an exclamation mark after an aggravating/irritating/upsetting convo is just chef's kiss
Never, and my parents still treated me like a criminal
Yup. My mom told my older brothers and I that she didn’t care what time it was, if we were drunk or something, lied about where we were etc…. If we were out & needed or wanted to go home, we could call her or my dad & they’d come get us. No questions asked and no lectures or fighting that night. However, we better be prepared to talk about what happened & tell em the entire truth the next day. We never got in trouble necessarily because that was the deal. As long as we were honest.
The worst was the clothes smelling of cigarettes, so my mum knew I went to a party of some kind 😂
At fifteen I had an almost 30 year old stripper fly over the back of a couch to attack me. She was strong as hell.
I think every parent should allow their kids safety calls to get out of circumstances that werent in their or their friends best interest. I bet other parents would be grateful as well not to have their kids missing, kidnapped or hurt by any other means. Its not worth what is a different possibility of an outcome. Everybody would pray things happened differently if the worst outcome became the reality ending. Plus your kids and their friends should feel the safety to call their parents or friends parents in these times. Children always seem to fear that they will be in trouble. If they only knew what real trouble felt like they would never hesitate to do the right thing for all involved. Maybe its time to have these talks with your children. Maybe that was the reason this video was help intervene with other possible outcomes. Stay safe everyone and make good choices.❤❤❤
I lived in the 70s people!!! We had a blast!!!! No cell phones no social media!!! Prank calling someone’s house phone was so much fun!! Listening to the radio!! Making dedications on the radio to boys !! Sneaking out ! Telling our moms we are at each other’s houses when we were out At parties!! The things we got away with were so choice!!!
Hanging out with my friends, we were all 15… till she invited over a Native chick who came down from her reservation. She was probably 18. My friend’s older sister had her 21 year old boyfriend buy us liquor (bacardi) and a bottle of Tahitian treat (I think it was the carbonated version). We snuck out of her parent’s house around 10 and took a bus to the other side of town. We walked from the bus stop to the party so that we could get lit on the way. It was only my second time being drunk (first time I was a lot younger and it was another friend’s mom’s E and J). When we arrived, I learned we were going to a party taking place in a garage. The men there were mostly Asian (like 5 Asian guys and 3 black guys) who were all already out of high school. I was shocked that they were all the Native chick’s age. My friend (who is months younger than me, so she may have been 14…) took a bottle of E&J and ran around a car in the garage to throw her head back and swig as much as she could. We chased her and got the bottle, but it was too late. She staggered to a chair where we made her sit down. She then attempted for the rest of the night to persuade one of the Asian guys into sleeping with her. He very gentlemanly told her “no” and that she needed to stop drinking. When someone turned the music up from one of the cars, we slightly opened the garage so that I could pop a squat somewhere in the alley. I was drunk af, but not stupid. I was starting to feel uncomfortable, and like I shouldn’t be there. Especially after peeing in the alley. Suddenly, the door to the garage swung open violently, and a short old Asian woman came barreling in. She immediately grabbed the head Asian guy by the neck while screaming at him, “you have kids in my garage!!! Why you have kids here?!?! You want to go to jail??!” He waved us toward the garage door and pushed the button to open it. We all ran (except my drunk friend… she stumbled toward the door, we had to run back to get her). We got ALL the way to the bus stop, maybe 3 or 4 blocks away, only to realize my drunk friend forgot her purse in the garage. The buses were now no longer running, so another friend decided to call her sister to come get us. In the mean time, I took it upon myself to run the few blocks back to the garage, where the Asian guy threw me her purse, having seen that it was left behind. His mom was now yelling at him in their language. I ran back to the bus stop right as my drunk friend puked up the Hot Cheetos she’d eaten on our way to the party. Her vomit was a neon- red color, and we all looked away, embarrassed. Once my friend’s sister arrived, we literally carried my drunk friend (who was now out cold) to the car, laying her inside across the seat. The rest of us girls packed ourselves into the he front seat (it was an 90s car, where the front middle seat could be used as an additional seat rather than a console). We weren’t even supposed to spend the night, but my friend refused to wake, so we made pallets on our other friend’s floor and split after she finally woke up the next afternoon. I remember thinking, if this is what partying is like… I don’t want it! I had no idea one of my closest friends from elementary school was now partying with adults, and she didn’t tell me what kind of party it was (though they were nice and not creeps, I just assumed they’d be our age). Anywho, that was probably 2007 or 2008, and I was around 15. This video reminded me of it haha. Haven’t thought about it in a long time. (I found out I’m pretty much a square. That was the craziest party I’ve been too, and it wasn’t all that crazy. I probably went home and read some Harry Potter to make the world better again. Lol)
Omg! Same! Its a miracle we made it out alive!
It was literally lit 💨 😂 Good times😅
This brings back some Baad memories
I love that you kept the clothes, the Motorola Razor, the purses. It makes all of this so much better!!
All the smoke reminds me of the’70’s everywhere we went!!!
All of your videos are just so close to home. It makes me feel better that that there were so many other people doing the same things lol
Wow ur videos and even some of diff comments on them really take me back like really feels good n kind of emotional n almost like it was another life time I lived lol so long ago yet feels not long ago if makes sense lol idk 🤷♀️ 🤦♀️ 😅 but I’m so glad I got to live in the time where no one was in there phones where at parties etc never filming everything we do just genuinely enjoying ourselves
Omg LITERALLY ME , early 2000's were fire
✨I WaNnA Go hOmE✨