
Now that is a nice car and it's worth the money that's what I like to see on Maple motors.


My family had the most stripped-down '71 Chevelle wagon money could buy. 250 inline 6/3 speed on the column, manual steering/manual drum brakes, black rubber floormat instead of carpet, and radio-delete


I love wagons. That is one cool Hotrod wagon!😊


Id love to add this wagon to my driveway, but the wifey only allowed one Maple Motors purchase per decade!


Sweet car. It used to belong to a friend of mine.


Is that a Hot Wheels car or the real thing?


πŸ†Now that's fun for the whole family πŸ€ there's one cool looking Chevy😎✌️


Who said you can't look cool in a station wagon.


That’s a weekend family picnic car.


8:52 She looks & sounds good, but she's got an exhaust leak.


Derek with VGG would like the vice grip touch.


I raced that car at Cruisin the Coast in a 95 TA.




Good Afternoon There My Good Little Brother Nick Southgate Sir Of Maple Motors


Wow what a kool kustom 70 Malibu wagon only two problems is i want this & two could use another yo into tailgate better .


Ain't gotta listen to the kids asking Are we there yet?πŸ˜‚


I would need to change rims and tires but this is perfect for me!


It's almost a Hot Wheels thing!: 1971 Chevelle Wagon model, check it out for chips, dents, rust & scratches.


Awesome price on a clean vehicle and dig that purple πŸ’œ


Not a wagon fan besides the nomad and 2 doors but dayam that is sweet. Love the door handle deletes and even the interior.