A German Battleship, up there?!? Someone was really hugging the map borders. >:)
Whoever was driving that boat made the most epic of Jingles landings, I don't even know where to start...
Dear Devs. Next time you design an adventure taking place on a warship, hire a former navy person as advisor to place your rooms. I'm sure Jingles would be available for a moderate fee, as long as you include a wardroom with a Ship Identification Chart, listing the HMS Hood as an enemy Destroyer.
Wow! A periscope on the bridge of a battleship? That makes as much sense as a screen door on a submarine!
In all fairness, that ship is 100% accurate... for the sort of thing an Indiana Jones movie set would have, which you could argue this is meant to be. I don't have the hardware to play this, thank you so much for having us along for the ride
anyone else hoping it was the Gneisenau on the top of the montain to troll Jingles?
5:42 - Better call in Drachinifel. 😊
Hearing Mr. Jingles rant about all the inaccuracies of a German Battleship, in the Himalayas, is exactly what I'm here for. Awesome video 😄
"This ship never existed." So, how long until it show up in World or Warships?
I toured the USS North Carolina not long ago. I'm standing under Turret #3 in my profile pic here. Big, beautiful ship. I wasn't in the Navy, so I was surprised just how large it was & what a labyrinth it was inside. Up on deck, there was a volunteer working on repairing the deck - he was a veteran. I'm 6'2" so I kept bumping my head inside. Really got dinged touring Turret #2 lol, gave me a lump. Anyway, I asked him what the Navy would do with a guy like me, since it obviously wasn't designed for ppl over 6 foot tall, lol - he chuckled & said, "they'd send you to the Army." haha
this might be the first time Jingles did not scew up the indetification of a ship
At least there are no ice snurglies
Girls und Panzer das Finale part 4: We drive Panzers down a mountain in an avalanche. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Hold my beer.
Indian Jingles spends 10 minutes pointing out the errors on the Nazi battleship just what I tuned in for.
That was indeed the boiler room. You could even see the burners on the side of the boilers on both sides
Lol I sympathise but it is funny to hear you complain about something that you know so well. Just to add the "Battleship" seems to be named after Admiral Oskar Kummetz, who was Captain of the ill-fated KMS Blucher that was sunk during the Norwegian Campaign in 1940. The clipper bow also is curious. A true cliffhanger ending.
I actually really enjoyed the ship design commentary. The ship was kinda like Gina. A mixed bag. Good things and bad things.
"Kesselraum" is "Boilerroom" "Kessel" can also be a shorthand for "Dampfkessel" which means "steamboiler". The boilers are the walls of the room, you can see the oilinjectors and cleaning ports. The representation is actually quite good. And Jingles, during your time in the Navy boilerrooms were really really rare if not already gone. Most, if not all ships had Gas Turbines, Diesel, a combination of the two or were nuclear powered. Which would have a steam turbine, but would have a reactor and heat exchanger instead of an oil fired boiler.
That's not a gun director, Jingles. Are you sure you were in the Navy? That's the local stereoscopic rangefinder for the secondary turret. You stared right at the pair of 150mm tubes, walked around the turret, and thought it was a gun director. Sheesh. Those are 105s for the AA guns. 128mm rounds were 2-part, just like everybody else's 120mm or larger ammunition at the time, so you wouldn't see complete rounds like that for a 128. Also, no Kriegsmarine ships had 128mm secondaries. They were 150mm or 105mm.