No cringy intro, calming voice, simple illustrations, very educating, high quality models used, just overall perfect
Here is a guy who really does earn his subscriptions, the amount of work that goes into each video is huge. Awesome content, Jared!
Can we all agree that Jared’s animations are some of the best
Man, the space shuttle was a masterpiece I stil don't know how people can called it a failure. To me, this was one of the most amazing things the humans had ever built. A lot of things were learned with this orbiter. The accidents were sad and I wish they didn't occur but everyone who was involved in this project are legends.
This is how school should have been. I probably would've been more productive back then if it was taught like this. Good job man
I spent 27 years working on the Space Shuttle at KSC. This is a very good video explaining a lot about it.
I've seen the Discovery space shuttle in the National Air and Space museum as a kid. It's truly amazing to see in person and the thrusters at the back were absolutely HUGE
How much time do you spend modeling? These videos are always insane.
Now this is "brilliant". I have learn more from this video in 20 minutes ,that I have known in 20 yrs. They should incorporate videos like this to High Schools curriculums. Thank you so much for all this data.
I really liked how you discussed the shuttle in such a simple and concise manner, also, I commend you especially for pointing out about the shuttle airlock and how it was swapped later for the ODS for ISS missions oh, and hit that 1m subscriber mark!!
Thank you jared. I really appreciate these animations you make. It helps alot of people understand what happened. You're awesome! Just thought I'd remind ya bro! Thanks so much!
This is the most in-depth walkthrough of the Space Shuttle I've ever seen. Great video!
Man just watching this video the Orbiter vehicle is a lot more complex than I thought it was it's got so many parts and complex systems that make it work and to the crews of both Columbia and Challenger I salute you as you will never be forgotten.
As a young Canadian at the time of these launches, I was always impressed by how our country put that government issued Canada graphic dead centre on that sucker for the whole world to see every time it was shown on tv
These animations are incredibly cool. Superbly made videos. Flawless!
I never realized how small the living space was. So interesting!
I've been a shuttle geek since STS-1 and still a learned some things in this video. The animation looked great, too. Thank you.
“Endgame is the most ambitious crossover” Jared Owen’s ISS And Shuttle models: hold my Canadarm
I went to the LA Science Museum to look at The Endeavour - the space exhibits are really good, but it’s amazing walk around the space shuttle and see it up close. You’ve just put 3hours of walking and reading into a really informative 20 minute video! - Also a lot of what you covered is there to see in person, but your video brought it all together for me…