
The fact that the Germans could still give the Soviets a bloody nose even after their disastrous defeat in Stalingrad is just mind blowing.


Von Manstein was possibly one of the best German general of the war but it must be said that he had the best troops, Panzerdivisions and commanders they did an incredible feat and inflicting terrible losses to the Russians. Excellent video and I liked very much and just subscribed 👍👍


Nearly exactly 79 years later there is another battle for Kharkov. The world is crazy!


My great uncle was part of this battle as a panzergrenadier in 2nd SS Panzer div Das Reich, and his war diary is chocked full of heavy fighting for the city against what he described as "fighting for the gates of Hell". The resistance they encountered was fierce, but the panzer IV's they had supporting them really did a kickass job at destroying enemy strong points with HE, which the 2nd SS panzer carried plenty of as his diary shows. They were one of the few fully equipped divisions at that time during the counter offensive and they made good on their resources to push out the Soviets.


8:1 manpower disadvantage... but still kick ass.


Modern war theories: you need a 3:1 advantage for a successful attack.
Manstein: let's try it with 1:8.


Timing is a perfect for uploading this, just when the fifth battle for Kharkiv is taking place.


I am no wheraboo, but I can't help but be impressed by the fighting abilities and resourcefulness of the German fighting man in ww2.


Just wanna say this rn, this was not germanys last victory on the eastern front. This was one of the last major victories the wehrmacht would have had. The Germans would still have minor victories as the war dragged on.


The logs you see on modern tanks, particularly Soviet/Russian ones, aren’t for protection. They’re for unditching the vehicle if it gets bogged down. The crew attaches the tank to the tracks on one end of the tank and when it moves the log is pulled under the vehicle to give it a lot of traction. This lets the tank pull itself out of soft ground and not have to get a tow.


Hoth was such a great general that they named a whole planet after him.


Erich von Manstein, who was the brainchild behind invading France through the Ardennes in 1940, sealed his place among great generals with his strategic counter-offensive surrounding the third battle of Kharkov. He was the only German Field Marshal who earned the respect of Soviet Field Marshal Zhukov by the end of WWII. It came as no surprise that he was chosen to head Germany's defence force in the initial post-war period.


Subscribed within 20 seconds. I can recognize a good history channel when i see one


"Ausf" is short for "Ausführung", meaning: "Version" or "Mark".


Erich Von Mastyne was really an extraordinary genius General in the history of the world.


Manstein should have been overall commander Eastern Front


Von Manstein was a genius


One would think Hitler would have learned from this experience that giving his most talented commanders like Von Manstein freedom to act flexibly could still yield tremendous results even after Stalingrad.


8 to 1 ratio and still winning that’s what I call fighting spirit.


Also the three SS Panzer Division's each had one SS heavy Panzer company at this stage of the war.
The 1st SS 4th heavy company of Tiger's.....later re-numbered the 13th by May 1943.
The 2nd SS 8th heavy company and the 3rd SS 9th heavy company of Tiger's were all involved in this battle of Kharkov.