1:20 That is not bulldozer. Its a grader
И бульдозеры и скреперы и погрузчики всё впихнули в кучу
Soviet superheavy bulldozer ChTZ T-800 (Chelyabinsk) Russian bulldozers Chetra T-45, Chetra T-50 (Cheboksary)
Half of those machine are not bulldozers ...
Wrong, those are Graders and Loaders not Bulldozers!
Some are not bulldozers....................
1:59 D9 in use in israel but made in usa from cat. your vidos is bad graphics no details and the information is wrong
CHETRA TK-25.02, Russia, 4.8 m. BelAZ-7823, Belarus, 4.1 m. Kirovets K-800, Russia, 4.7 m.
Yogi ji at 2am😂😂
It feels like I'm on a journey of discovery
They are not all bulldozers, mixture of dozers and bucket loaders. Dozers usualy have tracks and a bladeand loaders wheels and a bucket.
The best video
какого хрена наш бульдозер с ржавым ковшом ?
Weres a the cat D11T CD carrier dozer?
Nice video😊
Sabse bada bulldozer bhi usa pe hai aur sabse chota bhi usa pe hai kya baat hai
What have I learned from this? US has plenty of options for heavy equipment to finish large projects. But, we still have to wait 7 years+ per Road construction project to complete. 😏
Russian Bulldozer T-800 is the biggest)
А где русский кировец?