
Hira's foolishness is absurd, by continuing to hide the truth from Orhun,  she yet again gives Affife the opportunity to harm Sahra..😢.


Era bom que a carteira tivesse aberto pra ele ver que lá dentro tem a foto dele.


Já chega desse chove não molha, estamos cansados de tanta enrolação!!!!!!!! Queewmos


Orhun must be the most confused man on the planet with Hira’s emotions all over the place this season 😂.


Хира родная опять наступила на те же грабли , обидно, больно , что ты такая наивная😢😢😢😢😢😢


Orhun nunca vai saber que é o pai de Sahra pela boca de hira


Hay Hira estás dando mucha vuelta y estás de más en el hospital detrás de Ohrun y Defne


Orhun já percebeu que o olhar de Hira está diferente! Espero que a verdade seja dita logo!😢


Bueno, al menos Hira se disculpo 😮
Le dijo que la gerdad aguata bara el señor Orhun❤
Haaaa esa miradita cuando se tocaron 😂😂❤❤❤ todavía se aman aunque vayan a estar separados


We cannot even dream that Hira will be good…
Everything is against her…
I’m so tired of this nonsense story


Well it’s the writers making her so naive and gullible we are exhausted over this same issue Hira is portrayed from means girls to senseless and now she’s back on mute show us where her character has been given any leniency or clemency is always abuse condemnation and control really Hira stop with the fancy they have wrecked this relationship and now you hold the key and they have you backed in a corner your sympathy feels and compassion enough already we want justice for all involved


Ganhou like pela tradução ❤


I feel so sorry for orhun and Hira, they have made both so weak, they’re both wonderful characters. I wish that things would work out better for them, I can’t imagine Afife ever getting caught, and her snakes 🐍


Oh please,  how much episodes again to know the truth. Hira's phone might get stolen and foolish Zerrin might kidnapping Hira and Sahra or Affie might put some devious plan into action


Esperemos que pronto esten juntos como familia


Aí meu deus mais  são  lindos  os dois ❤❤❤❤


Aposto como ela não colocou a gravação na nuvem.


rapaz e nós aqui esperando que coisa hennnnnn


Tô cansada disso 😢


Season 3 dragging to get to the truth and reconciliation of ORHIRSAH😊😊