
Now we know where so much money comes from, don't we, Jay-Z?


The data is totally false 😅


¡Aleluya! ¡Soy favorecida y bendecida con $60,000 cada una! Ahora puedo permitirme cualquier cosa y también apoyar la obra de Dios y la iglesia.


Michael Jackson is the most richest singer of all time  worth 2.5 billion dollar. Nobody can replace his place in accordance of the most richest singer.. Even if he is dead


Where are ABBA Bjorn and Benny? (My gutt feeling is that this list is fake)


Michael Jackson ❤❤❤❤😢😢😢


Elon Musk should write a song. That way, he would technically be the richest singer and not Jay-Z.


Most of them do not sing like before. Just business men


P Diddy not rich anymore after the 1000 bottles of baby oil😂


Never heard of a lot of them!


i think only taylor has like in billions solely from music


Britney's net worth should be well over 600 million, she got robbed so bad 😢


Diana Ross - $250 million
Christina Aguilera - $160 million


But it’s not because of music , Rihanna have this money because her cosmetics business


Dua lipa is richest British female singer under 30 with estimated 90 million pounds which means 115 million dollars




P Diddy and Jay-Z on Top 10... SUSPICIOUS...


Ar rahman❤


Canada has 4 toppers ,eh? Congrats! Cheers from Toronto!


Michael Jackson should have been at the top of this list.