
They ate that kiss!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Finally with a longgggg kissed❤❤❤❤


They knew they had to deliver with that kiss, drama is to good ❤ they ate that


Finally they are together❤🥹


Omggg they invented the kiss all over again oohhh yea they’re writing history of kiss again🎉 the guy knows how to move definitely 😮😮😮


It feels like my heart will burst out 😮


I dont want to wait until tomorrow 😢


❤ that will never forget


Can't wait for TMRW ep


Sulit ang long kissed 🥹😍


Why many car accidents in Korea? Cars don’t have breaks?


Finally they kissed.i really like the story.


Where to watch full episode


Why does precap make us more confused 🤔🤔



