5 years in Genshin, and still nothing with these QoL: 1. buy previous 4* event weapons (HSR has this) 2. automatic resin overflow system (HSR, ZZZ, HI3rd & WuWa have this) 3. double artifact drops event every patch (HSR, ZZZ & WUWA have this) 4. dialogue skip button (ZZZ, ToF, WUWA & HSR have this) 5. artifact loadouts (WUWA, HI3rd & ToF have this) 6. claim same weekly boss drops 3x a week (WUWA, ZZZ & HSR have this) 7. convert weekly boss drop into other weekly boss drop. Example: Dvalin drop + Solvent = Azhdaha drop. (HSR has this) 8. convert overworld boss drop into other overworld boss drop. Example: Cryo Regisvine drop convert to Dendro Cube boss drop (HSR has this) 9. daily respawn of overworld mats (WUWA has this) 10. daily comms claim rewards menu/tab. no need to go to Katheryne (ZZZ, WuWa & HSR have this) 11. better banner rotation. chronicled banners not enough. 12. portable crafting bench (HSR, ToF & WuWa have this) 13. more than 1 portable waypoints in overworld (WuWa has this) 14. permanent events (WuWa & HSR have this) 15. no day-gated domains (HSR, WuWa & ZZZ have this) — Genshin is so outdated with QoL. Billion-dollar game and still lacks basic QoL for 5 years. Pathetic.
jesus christ. 5 years man. 5 fucking years for a controller support.
Finally.. after 5 years.. it's time to have controller support.. on Android device.
Finally... at least I can get 20+ CV Elemental goblet with double def artifact :)
instead of artifact loadouts we got Mail Search instead...... the controller support is here after so many years of waiting
it was version 2.X I issued them for adding controller supports for Android and they're adding it after 3 years 😂 it's more like quality of skill issue for devs than quality of life
Look at that, we're almost out of beta. In a few years they should be able to launch the game.
Whats with these useless qol... No artifact loadout till now... Portable crafting bench, material available for everyday, Getting mats from the same boss 3 times, better drops etc needs to be introduced...
ah yes more shit we didnt ask for where tf is artifact loadouts, qol for restarting spiral abyss, qol for mora gain,
Still no Artifacts Loadouts and no new way to get more Elixir or prioritise Artifacts in Domains. And where is the changes they said they would make to the Shop after the FTC thing?
Still no improvement on resin reserve feature lol
still hoping I can change the game server without starting over again 😢
Artifact this, Artifact that...and still no loadouts 😮💨
Nah the feature that game should have since released, now added as a QoL 😢
1:43 finding Jadeplum Terrorshroom was harder than solving any puzzle by Deshret, i literally thought it was somewhere in those three tall structures in desert
0:50 it's a great feature, now i can upgrade my lv. 16 artifacts with my lv. 20 artifacts without losing so much exp
hoyo compensate us the elixir we use because if you will update the elixir like that why not implement it in the first place.. thats the most stupid thing you did to us.
I waited for sooooooo long for controller support on Android 😭
0:50 If the numbers in the picture are right, the total XP amount is the same, but by extracting the materials, you don’t have to level up the artifact straight to level 18