That is a clever combine! It's really fun watching you play with different equipment and trying new stuff.
To anyone who sees this comment i hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays
I know a lot of ppl are complaining about “poor upgrades” or whatever but I am glad to see a new combine. Literally everyone I’m watching has the starter one and it’s really good to see something new! Also ya’ll are so silly about mods. I don’t care whether that cement factory ever gets bought or not. The map should have had one on it and I’m just enjoying seeing the game progress. I would rather Daggerwin do what is fun for him rather than get burnt out pleasing all the people who think super strength, auto loading, and renting factories are unforgivable sins.
I think it would be fun to see you growing sugar beet, or potatoes or some other vegetable. It's a slow process. But very profitable. Otherwise, at the moment, you're just growing chicken feed and a few grapes. Or it would be very interesting to see corn harvested for silage. Then you would get a lot of silage for cow feed.
The best daggerwin christmas gift would be finding that all his playlists are properly updated with all videos. :3
If you are going to use a swather in the future, was it not really a bit of a waste to replace an 8000L combine with an 8600L combine for a net 284k£ as the header size will be irrelevant?
I think you did great buying the new Combine! It's great to see you using a different style machine in a "Alpine" style map!
going to be honest, i dont think 300k for that combine was worth it. its the exact same combine minus a 1.5m upgrade working width. I bet the old combine would have ran a 1.5m bigger header.
I think that the best option for you would be case combine. For 300k Massey is a really small upgrade. Little bigger header and same working speed. :(
Reference the small shed. Why not use that for the vineyard equipment and the transplanter? Then it would free up some space in the larger shed.
I like the combine. Nice to see something different and you can't swath everything.
It's missing bits because the header on the swather is too large and won't fit in the low spots. Basically you need to be so close to the ground across the entire header or it won't work at all. If you have alot of uneven ground the small header is best.
Good purchase I’m curious if you can break the big boulders by the dairy with the rock-crusher you purchased
Loving both series daggerwin one of the best parts of my day is seeing the new video on my subscription notifications, keep up the good work. Love from south east kansas, USA.
Please sell the GP seeder , a grands a grand , you'll never use it again , it will be a pain sitting In the way
I wish they had made horses useful in the game. For example, you could use them to drive cattle, have farming equipment that your horse can pull, or, if you are doing a survival challenge, open a riding school where people pay to ride them, etc., as a way of generating money even being able to train them to enter competitions racing/jumping etc where you can win prize money would give them some more value. As it stands they just don't generate enough for the time it takes to care for them to make them worth it.
The TMI you did that didn't feel the same was because the first large hay bale you put in wasn't a full bale, hope that clears things up. BTW I'm loving the series.
Wow 😍😍😍😍😍 That leveling system is awesome. Strange that this harvester dosen't cost twice as much
Who else was saying "keep the header trailer, it still fits 🤦" when he was talking about trading up (slightly) the combine?