This game holds a special a place in my heart.
Went from a badass belgian noir comic to Borderlands
I played this when I was a little kid. It was beyond its time.
The worst part of remakes, is that they're usually unable to see the difference between and artistic-decision, and videogames of the times technical limitations; they think the reason things were left out is inablity, over the games choices artistically.
Even if this update is really satisfying it would still be a huge shame that it took two more years since the game's release to finally have something worth the 2003 game. That being said, if lessons are learned and the public accept it, maybe we can get past this and hope for a sequel. One that will not go through the same issues as this remake.
the new version doesn't look cell-shaded to me, but I'm not up on the latest 'techniques' or technology. As a comic artist sometimes less detail is more, and for me the older character models are more effective, allowing the audience's imagination to do the heavy lifting and 'fill in the blanks'. Character models can suffer from an uncanny valley effect the more detail you put in, especially with comic art, the situation for which I think applies to several of the newer versions here.
I really like the original's style and I think it looks more like a comic than the remake, that said, the remake still looks good and I'm rooting for it because I really want them to release a sequel and finish the story.
How have I never heard of this game before? both the original and the remake look stunning. I need to play these
Can you make a comparison video about the remake before and after the big patch?
I played this on my Xbox original.i forgot the name of this game for over 20 years. it's one of the best games of its time in my opinion. I've spent hours on the campaign and multiplayer. the style of the game got me immersed in the game for so long. finally knowing the name of the game brought back so much nostalgia
There are so many gems of PS2 era games that I have never heard about. Might have to check this game out!
The graphics in the second remake looks fine to me, it is obviously a step up than the first remake but there are so many other aspects and features that are missing or needed a overhaul which erases the identity of this remake from the OG XIII.
If you read the comic, you'll see it had thin lines and almost a painted look that the remaster was going for originally. So I think it was a deliberate decision that they just didn't communicate properly.
The original XIII is well worth playing, it has surprisingly solid shooting mechanics.
Things the new developer need to fix: 1- Add in weather effects from the original 2- Add in Scuba divers 3- Allow us to carry weapons over to the next level 4- bring back boss music for boss fights 5- Add in the explosion shake from the original 6- More weapon sound echolations. 7- Add in ambient sounds from the original 8- Remake the original introduction instead of just have a FBI guy watching it 9- Remake all the cutscene to motion comic ones like the original 10- Add in enemies screaming as they were shot and fell off the edges from the original 11- Change the enemy who said "Freeze! It's payback time. You won't get away this time." at Brighton Beach from the nerdy green jacket one to the black orange shirt one just like the original since it is voiced by a black guy
This cellshader look makes me wanna play Call of Juarez Gunslinger again 😅
I've never played the classic or the remake. I'm glad they corrected some of the issues the remake had. Fans deserve it and IO wanna play it too.
I've stayed away from this title since the release, but you sold it to me! This is one the rare videos that talks about what this remake has done well. Aside from the technical issues, the work that was done on the textures and scenery is very impressive. I like the attention to details, like Jones appearance being faithful to the comic (as a long-time XIII comic reader, I've always found her old design weird) or the very comic-like spotlight effects.