
The cashmere pullover turned out gorgeous!!


Hi, Kiko. Wow! I am so impressed by your work and the way you present yourself on your podcast. Just impressive work and personality. I also watch your strickschule podcast, I don't speak much German, but I don't want to miss something you have on the needle and hook. That Japanese pattern is lovely and looks fun to wear, for a woman. I don't wear women's clothes but I know what is lovely. I'm sure your sister will love the pullover, wow you think ahead, talking about what yall will wear around Christmas, ðŸĪ” (oh Christmas in July, lol.) All you showed was very good. I look forward to the next show. God bless see you on the tube 🙂 🙏.


The Japanese top is beautiful!


promosm ðŸĪŠ