I'm 14 now. Can't wait till im 16! I've always loved aviation considering my dad is a pilot for delta.
I've learned more watching this series thus far, than 100's of hours of other videos. You're a great teacher.
Landings were definitely the hardest part of my training. Took me about 30+ landings on repeat and one day I had the light bulb moment where it all ‘felt’ right. Really feeling out the aircraft and the winds really helped me perfect the landings and also maintaining a proper approach. Great video! “Pitch for airspeed, power for altitude”
Thank you Chris for your instruction videos 65 year old student pilot I love the landing instructions with cross winds and rudder control and thanks to Sienna for sharing her student pilot journey!!! These videos are gold to this student pilot 😎
Dang, the clarity with those new radios are crystal clear! Can’t wait to see Siena solo!!!
Very Cool, just started to fly! Love to see it!
What an epic place to learn. Also that camera angle from the tail is incredible. Great videos and instruction!
I’ve enjoyed watching Sienna progress through her lessons. Its been good review for myself at the same time. Sienna appears to be getting alot more comfortable with everything. Neat to see the progression….👍
Sienna is coming along quite well in her handling the aircraft...you are a terrific instructor...
i am a student that is going to start training next month. your videos make me sooooooo excited for whats to come :)
What a surreal place you fly from! You're living the dream there. Lovely Aircraft, Great views and great content! Contender for top aviation YouTube channel!
I really love the views & angles in your videos! My landings are finally starting to get so much better, but like you said, the crosswinds are the tricky part. Getting there soon though! Great job to Sienna!
Hello Chris and (student pilot Sienna) from Sydney Australia. Q1. What I have learnt from the video; Clear concise radio transmission of position and intention, then having the plane in a perfect precision approach after turning into the final; * C. G U.M.P.S * Check wind sock (indicator of wind speed and direction) * KIAS * Maintenance of centre line * Correct for cross wind; and your focus on the touchdown point. * After landing and rolling into taxiway another radio transmission stating your tail number is "clear of the RWY". 🌏🇭🇲
Man, I appreciate my CFI don’t get me wrong but I love the way you teach. Your students are very, very lucky.
Love your videos. I am currently working on my landings and pattern work. I haven’t had to deal with crosswind landings very much, but Sienna did a great job! Gives me motivation!,
Love the way you instruct I wish my instructor was like this. He’s very strict and tough and rarely gives kudos and has a short fuse. I wish he was more comforting but I also know that if/when I get a tough DPE I will hopefully be able to handle it better due to having to deal with my instructor.
This type of teaching is just amazing! I can really learn a lot from it.
Damn! What a GREAT TEACHER! I wish I were your student.
Having your students get comfortable on the radio as soon as they can is great, and Homer is a great place to do that