
I am at day 14 and holy-moly the difference is astounding, still feels guilty about sliding my drawing over the reference photo, sliding it off and making correction, tho... at least it's not tracing, right? RIGHT?


"I have been a professional artist for well over a week" πŸ˜‚ comedy gold


Might as well post it here since I wrote along 
Day1: Draw a character in a style you like/aim for in a fairly neutral pose (not too complex). Don't trace it! 
Day2: Copy the face of a character you like from 2-3 angles
Day3: Draw the body parts you can't see from a reference (best guess), try to draw what's under the clothing for example. if you are able to do it quickly, do a few. 
Day 4: Trace the outline of the head from a reference, but draw in the face (no trace here!)(tip: on another layer). Then erase the face you drew from reference (or togglge off layer) and draw it again from memory(on another layer). Repeat the process a few times
Day5: Draw the headshape from reference from a few angles (skip facial features except the ears). pick common angles. 
Day6: Draw the naked body from Ref in a neutral pose (body+head, no hair)
Day 7: draw the naked body again, but from memory 

Day8: Use existing drawing, erase half the face and redraw it yourself (using the rest as reference)
day9: Swap the face of two characters in same pose, drawing them both from reference (bust only, no hair, no clothes)No tracing
Day 10: Using two character refs, create a single new character using features from both
day11: copy a bosy in a simple pose and make a minor edit on that pose. 
Day12: 15x 2-3 min gesture drawing. focus on the silouette, make sure the proportions are somewhat humanlike
day13: chose a pose from day 12 and spend 10-20 minutes on it instead. Focus on accurate proprtions
day 14: Same as day 1. Copy a character drawing full body. No tracing

some stuff should click by now. 
you might see improvements from day 1! hurray

Day15: 10-15 poses 2-3 min each gesture drawings
Day16: Draw the body (only) of a character from ref but give it a pose from one of the gestures from day 15
day17: Copy a character portait but give it the hair of a different character. 
day 18: Genderswap character portraits using references, focus on shoulder and up.
day19: Combine the upper and lower body of 2 different characters 
day20: 2x5 min (idle) pose drawings from photo reference. clean up your fav
day21: Dress up your fav pose of day20, using your favorites character as reference.

day22: Copy a character's (naked) body from reference and dress it up using design elements from 3 other references. Create a design mash-up
day23: Draw your fav character from ref but give it the pose from a different ref. nothing too dynamic, unless you're up to it!
day24: Draw your fav character in a simple pose FROM MEMORY.
day25: 15 relaxed poses 2-3 min each from photo reference
Day 26: Draw the same character head from 5 slightly different angles (from ref, or oc). Nothing too extreme.
Day27: Draw a character head using features from 5 different sources (hair+ head+ face)
Day28: Draw your fav character's body with the head you created on day 27
Day29-30: Dress up your character from day 28 using design elements from 5 different references

Congratz! You have a new OC and l33t skills! Yay!


Checking in after 30 days:

After the 30 days I've noticed a huge improvement of my speed, facial details, natural poses, confidence with my sketches, and my "art style" has really improved.
Though I'm still struggling with: hands and feet, hair, foreshortening, clothing/cloth folds, and more "drastic" expressions. I'd really like to see some more tutorials for these, and perhaps a new 30 day schedule that'd focus on these points, maybe a part 2 that you do after completing this one.

The tasks were doable time-wise, I was able to complete the assignment each day. Though a couple times I fell behind by a day, and would have to do 2 days work on another day.
That said I did do things a little different, and if you can swing it I'd totally recommend doing the assignments twice, once for male and once for female.
It really helped to do 15 gesture drawings of men and then right after 15 of women, solidifying more of the differences between feminine and masculine traits.

All in all I'm quite satisfied with how things have gone, I can see a lot of improvement from myself a month ago.

Thanks Marc, your tutorials have been awesome and this schedule was really effective.


Marc you’re literally a saviour I was waiting for something like this


0:37 love it when the teacher knows how to bring the students attention so their excited to learnπŸ˜†


Whew! finally done with this monster of a video, I've been working on this one for a while but I think the extra work was worth it- please no using this in a different context. Refer people here instead, on YouTube. πŸ’£πŸ’£ I should probably charge $$$ for this 😏

Seriously though, hope you try it :) NOW GET TO CLASS! πŸ’–πŸ”ͺ I also added the full schedule to the Art Study Schedules" free pack on my Cubebrush store, you can grab it here http://cbr.sh/975flb


3:50 Marc's sense of humor is so underrated. I never feel bored watching his videos.


Been drawing for years, yet never noticed a major improvement in my work, always discouraged and let down because what I drew never seemed correct or good enough. Drawing takes me ages because I stress about the final result so much and refuse to spend time on something that isn't perfect. Felt stagnant for a while. That might end today. Attempting to combine this with your 30 day drawing basics to battle my perfectionism head on and enjoy art again. Basic exercises for a warm up, character ones for the main course. If I don't have time for the character ones in a day, then at least the basic ones can pick up the slack somewhat. Won't beat myself up if I miss a day or two, not aiming for a streak, but aiming more so for some level of discipline and improvement.


NGL the professional artist for well over a week bit effing killed me.


Will definitely add this to my art schedule as well, been following the 1 year art schedule, doing challenges each month to better improve my art. Thank you so much as always


Just got done with the learn to draw in 30 days challenge, immediately starting this one so happy day 31 for me!! Can't wait to see the progression here!!


I love these study schedules you make and it’s been the guiding factor lately in me deciding whether or not I wanna invest in the art school 

One thing I find so hard about learning art is the lack of a structure in study and how to focus it to efficiently get better. 

Gonna try this out and update it in 30days with my thoughts and experience


This is brilliant!One of hardest parts in drawing is finding a balance in building technical skills and having fun.Very inspiring exercises.Thank you for sharing.😊😊


I've been taking art courses here and there for three years now, and I'm ready to take the first step to try to build a career in the art field. Your videos inspire me to keep trying!


I am on day 27 and I have seen improvements in body proportions, and drawing the face. I love that this was teaching me how to use references to draw my character. Thank you for this Marc!


I downloaded your basic brushes yesterday. Your Textured Soft Round is THE brush I’ve wanted all my life! Thank you!


This challenge seems complete! The hardest past I feel will be to find references, because if I understand well, the reference character will be really important for  the style of our drawing : so the character is supposed to be our favourite "style wise" I guess?


Really perfectly timed, i'm now finishing your 30 days schedule to learn how to draw and i felt that my caracters were too dead. Rlly glad that you've been helping us all to learn and improve


Ooh, will definitely have to try this challenge sometime after I finish up Inktober! Just wanted to say the Line of Action site (free version) has a decent number of more neutral standing poses if you're new to gesture drawing. Lots of poses online, just some end up crazy dynamic and foreshortened, so I hope this helps any beginners.