
"They all scream bloody murder over graves already dug" has to be some of the best lyrics I've ever heard.


Depressingly under rated


That huge scream at the end sends shivers down my spines


My favorite in high school...underated of course.. Because they speak TRUTH. Peace and love everyone


I swear the chorus is just amazing, Rise against is definitely my fav band now☺️


I threw a house party with over 100 people in my parents house when they left town when I was in highschool;
This album is what I put into my boombox on full blast shakin the house


best song of rise against


This song is top critics for diddy, and I love this song!


[Verse 1]
All we are is entertainment caught up in our own derangement
Tell us what to say and what to do
All we are are pretty faces, picture perfect bottled rage
Packaged, synthesized versions of you

We've all made petty fortunes but we can't afford a life
Confined to pull out quotes in hotel rooms
They all scream California and it's toppling empire
But can't you see the end is coming soon?

[Verse 2]
Come one, come all, the new sensation guarantees then obligations
Spotlights follow every single move
Basking here on ten foot stages, pouty lips and oh so jaded
All as if we have something to prove

[Chorus 2]
Despite these petty fortunes we still can't afford a life
Confined to pull out quotes in hotel rooms
They all scream California and it's toppling empire
But can't you see the end is here?

And if we cared at all about this unknown plight
Then we'd do something more to finally make this right

[Verse 3]
Is this only entertainment? Pull the curtains, places please
We've learned to sing and dance and cry on cue
But this is more than entertainment in a world so sick with pain
This is the only thing that's real or true

[Chorus 3]
We've all made petty fortunes but we can't afford a life
Confined to pull out quotes in hotel rooms
They all scream bloody murder over graves already dug
But can't you see the end!?


This is so good I just can’t stop smiling


Love the 3/4 bridge.


where are the comments, well this song is top 3 Rise Against for me.


This makes me want to watch goon 1 and then goon 2 consecutively in order!


Man i love this band!


It reminds me of Bad Religion's "Only Entertainment", another great song. Are all songs with "entertainment" in the name amazing?


I remember driving to the school whith these songs ❤


강렬헌 기타리프가 맘에 든다!


pls come to brazil


Easily rise against's second best song

