
Connor goes straight from "Let's not judge" to shaming Garnt for his basic tastes. 😆


Connor talking up his list and pulling out beans and toast, supermarket sandwiches, chips, and beer was like watching an anime villain blowing smoke for 3 straight episodes but getting put down in one punch.


Conner: Let's not judge. We can be mean sometimes 🥺
Also Conner: obliterates Joey's poor grandma


Trash Taste should make a 3x3 episode of their least favorite (Worst) food. Food that the Trash Taste bois would never eat even if they were stuck on a deserted island.


connor before the convo: can't we all just get along?

connor during the convo: I dgaf about ur good memories or ur grandma!


Connor talking about Indian food: "I couldn't just put a cuisine there..."
Also Connor: "Beer is food"


to watch 1h25min of Connor being the most vocally combative about everyone's food choices and then he shows up with the objectively worst 3x3 out of everyone. poetry.


Connor: "Let's agree to be civil about this"
Also Connor: *Immediately tears into Garnt as soon as he opens his mouth*
hahaha never change, boys 😂👍


Joey: "I don't care about texture"
Also Joey: "Melon can get a bit soggy"
I fucking can't even


INSTANT CLASSIC EPISODE!! Garnt's 3x3 was such an insane rollercoaster the discussion takes up like half the episode LMAO


Its so funny, Connor tells Joey, "fuck your memories, whats the best pasta?" Cut to him raving about beans on toast and how its a comfort food from childhood 😂


"Nine of the most meaningful foods to me. Lets start with the McDonald's breakfast menu." I love Trash Taste.


Joey's list: mostly Japanese 
Connor's list: mostly British
Garnt's list: mostly MURICAN


Connor clowning on everyone's list for an hour and a half then showing off that travesty of a list is on point.


Connor clowning hard on Joey and Garnt's 3 x 3, when he has the most basic ones. I love it.


As a manager at Pizza Hut I can tell Garnt they did the edge pizza summer 2022 and I can say it will return. All the pizza is, is a thin crust with the crust cut off and sweet sauce instead of classic pizza sauce. He might be able to talk to a pizza hut into doing the pizza for him


Connor:You guys are gonna be mean

Immediately roasts Garnt


I never in my life thought that I would ever hear “bananas are the mha of fruits” and “watermelon is the aot of fruits” but here we are


Joey: "What is brisket?"

Garnt: "It's a part of the cow."



As someone who worked at a pizza hut for a few months in college, I can attest to pizza hut having a VERY strong and particular smell. I never ate pizza hut as a kid or in general, so it was really weird to smell this weirdly appetizing, yet disgustingly synthetic aroma coming from something meant to be eaten. It smelled simultaneously gross and fake and chemically and somehow mouthwatering and tasty smelling.