I hope they don't turn the Submarine into the Pickaxe 2.0. You know; the Pickaxe from Northern Expedition that is useless beyond just collecting the Blue Energy Crystal, and breaking open ONE frozen wall, to get to one of the levers for a rod worse than Artic Rod? Yeah, that. They could always make it so that mineral ores can randomly appear on the surface, either making it an event, or something that happens passively throughout an active server. It would also be awesome if the Bay opens up, but in order to actually go into Mariana's Veil, we have to mine the minerals like Iron just under the bay, and give them to Dr. Glimmerfin, so that he can make us a submarine. There's a lot of creativity that could go into each update, but not nearly enough work done for a Large Game like Fisch. Even so, I love the game, you can't deny it. Any game that doesn't provide instant gratification, and has a storyline deep down, is an EXOTIC find these days.
we aint letting you forget about the whale incident
I feel bad for the npcs inside of Roslit Bay. Their homeground is getting absolutely destroyed rn 😭
yoooo it looks like the kelp forest from subnautica!
i js hope the devs choose the submarrine as a boat, example, that u can use it to travel everywhere, not only marianas veil. and not just a 1 travel cutscene starting from the dock, that would be terrible.
My theory for the submarine: I think the crane that’s on the platform might be used to almost like hook the submarine. To use the crane you might have to do mini game where you move the crane while the submarine is attached and you drop it inside of the water. After that you are then able to drive it inside of the trench and discover the secrets of the veil.
Another interesting NPC is at Moosewood. He is sitting by a big board on the east side of the island. His dialogue is mostly just ??? when you talk to him but if you do it enough he'll say something like No, not you... There is also these little shacks on a lot of the islands like Moosewood and Sunstone that look like mini outhouses. I've always wondered what they are for.
im excited carbon whalester btw when next album releasing?
I have a theory for the submarine: You can see the submarine above the water looked different than underwater so I think will we have to stop at a place in Mariana veil to upgrade the submarine so we can go deeper This is just my theory
Dear carbon, i would like to inform that at 10:20 am, you have lost the secret fish known as "scylla", which caused the incident known as, "the scylla incident"
My bet is since the apollo npc in atlantis talks about the volcano eruption long ago, the volcano update seems to line up perfectly in my opinion, the coment is onto something
something i noticed is that whenever a place is getting updated and something big is about to happen it grows a lot of coral
That seaweed looks almost exactly like the ones from subnautica maybe just maybe we get mor fish from subn. Please!🙏🙏🙏
Bro always gets the best early access! 😂
Ahhh yes another amazing beautiful top notch video from Carbon
actually mariana's veil sounds like we gonna have marina trench type thing but actually there is a girl npc near statue who's name is mariana and veil means the white cloth girls wear when they marriage so idk whats gon happen
Feedback: 3600 catches without one single Exalted relic. A little over 1000 of those were with the Exalted rod. This is not working. Those relics should be rare, but seriously, this is not fun, and all the work to get the Exalted rod feels pretty pointless. I hope this will be adjusted/fixed soon.
I was just looking at the badges then I found 5 badges no one has got and may be for Marianas veil first one is Volcanic Vents Second is Challengers Deep Third is Abyssal Zenith fourth is Calm Zone Last one is Veil of the Forstaken once again I haven’t seen anyone talk about this or have it.
maybe the voices in the fog are the lost soul of the two dead people that we was in the sneak peeks trying to save us from ending up like them