
Excited for any upcoming Switch games?? :_hypefire:


When ur a digital artist and a gamer at the same time :


Colors was so dope on the 3DS. There were some real good artists who could draw in 3D


As a digital artist for years, I'm mainly excited by something I can use for quick sketching on the go - my current laptop is pretty slow to start up, and just having something small and simple to sketch ideas on without having to wait through my computer's longer loading time seems worthwhile to me.


Me: struggles to draw on iPad

Ross: draws on NS with ease



"Its's not about the software, it's all about the skills"


I’ve been watching Ross for about 2 years now. Your art tips have saved me. Thanks ross


The thing is, when you have really solid fundamentals and have all this other information on top of that which you practiced hard for and turned you into a great artist, then no "Challenge" or "Can you paint with..." can really be answered with a "No". If you have the stuff down, everything is just a tool to make your art happen. Be it a switch, an actual drawing tablet, or a freakin tamagotchi, (well you get the gist). "Can I draw/paint using-" YES ROSS, YOU CAN. Obviously this provides for great Youtube Video Material so I get why he's doing it, but yeah the answer will never be "No".


I remember drawing on my 3DS when Colors! first came out, so excited to see it on the Switch now! Thanks for the video Ross, this was super nostalgic for me ♡


It's exciting to see that beginner digital artists have a means to start digitally drawing without buying a tablet if they own a Switch already! Also as a disabled artist, I like the accessibility of being able to paint anywhere easily with it--including in bed. It can get awkward bringing my tablet and laptop set up to bed, and I can't exactly afford an iPad, so I'm considering this to be able to paint anywhere. It'd be useful for travelling as well, you can take what you'd use to play games and also have it there for art! Super convenient, and the 3DS version got me into digital art, so I'd love to give this one a try. The art you painted on it looks lovely.


messing around in odd programs is some of the best practice ive found. recently ive been challenging myself with painting in mspaint and its really good practice to build your skills without being able to rely on fancy art tools


I got Colours Live when in the kickstarter, and it's a fun tool - ideal for beginners and those just wanting to doodle on the go. I can see how it cold easily evolve into a more professional tool over time with updates to the tools and pen itself. In particular I agree with you about a smoothing slider, and the lasso tool (or some ability to create clipping masks). For me smudge, blur and more brushes would be a huge reason to use it more often.


I don’t think there’s anything impossible for Ross 😂


Glad you got into colors, there is a long ridiculous history, and the gallery has one of the biggest communities starting as nintendo DS, 3ds, android and apple, so this app is over a decade old. You can play back your drawing so it would of been cool to see your playback. You can also check the gallery and look at all the drawings uploaded from a decade before and play them back to get some ideas.

You need to check your controls, your joystick has a button to turn off pen calibration you might be pressing down by mistake, also controls are fully customizable. There is more options im waiting for the next update, mostly transparency lock and online play.

There is a discord windows port with tablet support but its only playable now for kickstarters on discord. The updated switch version will also be updated on colors! on android and ipad later too.


Ross again proving its the skills that make the artist not the tools. <3 Love it


I'm so happy to watch ya try out colors live. I pre-ordered this app a month ago and loving it. Also happy the solo creator brought the beloved 3DS app onto the switch. Also next year I'll definitely signup for the Bootcamp.


Omg!! I'm amazed by the simple drawing of a piece of the face getting so amzing!!! And I also loved the nostalgic little cute game songs 😋😋


great video. i just got this to play with my 3 yr old im really excited to try it out


Your final artwork looks really cool, my favorites artworks of yours are the more sketchy textured ones, so I found it quite interesting to see some of the process and how you still made an amazing artwork within the limitations.


Love your videos! Inlove that an actual artist drew something cool with this!