
I knew it. Its emotionally rewarding n provides people with a sense of power.
That's y the low life's do it most


Wow made me look at gossip in a different way thanks for the upload


I'm glad i found this. I notice i gossip somewhat during the day, and i started to wonder why i kept wanting to do that.

It can absolutely be a bonding experience to gossip about a person you both dislike. It lets you know you are not alone/the only uncomfortable person.

It can also help you get a more complete picture of people? I often find out that people who are nice to me treat other people very unfairly. Which is good to know.

It also comes up as a part of passing on practical information to others. Often times gossip starts with one of us asking ".. wait. Why did [person] do that?" And then we give our best guess, and confer from there.


Just found your YouTube channel, loving your videos about human behavior. From my point of view there is a big difference between discussing relevant information about others to learn & understand while gossiping is generally negative because the information isn’t always factual or told in half truths by a subjective bystander which can cause harm to each person involved-even the gossiper. Gossiping can be destructive & those who participate negatively come across as judgmental. We do need to know things about the world around us & people in it-please don’t get me wrong. But I believe there is a difference in sharing information for a valid purpose vs gossiping about others.


I think it helps people bond, which is a problem.


98% of talk is gossip in fact ive seen men gossip more than women and my grandad overhears men even in 50+ gossiping behind friends back . Its crazy! These are intellectual people and i always thought it was for dumb people .”small mind discuss people” Did you know often haters are fans wether aware of it or not to be even investing thoughts in that person . I believe that!


Curious why people gossip 🤔