ぺこらっぷ的なものを期待して覗いたら、思った以上にガチで草 かっこいいです
0:41 0:47 0:48 0:54 ここ4期生のみんなの名前が歌詞になってて最高にあつすぎる:_専用ハート:
0:40 此処から“Coco” kara =from here 永久の“Towa” no = eternal 彼方へ“Kanata” he = far away 止まるなtoma “Luna” = Don't stop ほらほら顔を上げ = Hey Hey keep your head up. 叫べお前ら just shout you (all) ! いつかに見捨てた夢があるなら = If you have an abandoned dreams. 私めと “WATAshiME” to =together with me. 拾い集めよう= pick up the pices 0:40
ENG Lyrics: 4th generation sheep it's me Damn small fry? Furball? What a Mislead Who's going to lose such a Disrespect Listen to me come just listen? For you Watame gonna sing! Don't, don't look down You're going to feel better, try it The raging sheep mee mee Because the line is down I learned defeat from paisens Because this place is hololive There is warm friends Even if there's a mistake Don't stop here I come! There’s no time for waiting my turn Spread sail to favorable wind let's go to the brawl From here don't stop to the other side forever Hey, hey raise your face now shout If you had a dream that been cast aside Let's collect it with me From here don't stop to the other side forever Hey, hey raise your face now shout If you had a dream that been cast aside Let's collect it with me
「此処から永久の彼方へ止まるな」 ほんとすこ
マジでカッコイイ… 同期全員の名前入ってるし、それぞれちゃんとイメージカラーになってるし、ほんと凄い。
四期生ってやベーなホントに。 どの子も選び抜かれた精鋭って感じ。ポテンシャルが半端ない。
Let's be honest here. Watame did nothing wrong.
Listening in 2025, Watame is so cool!
本心からかっこいいと思った。 わためのラップ上手すぎない!? いやCDあるなら本当に買うよこれ。
開幕サングラス草 すぐ外れるの草 カッコよすぎて、、、、
God why is someone who chose something so cute as an avatar, so bad ass!?
シンプルにいい声とラップのセンスだわ そしてビートがヒプノシスしてて好き