
I,m so embarrassed and concerned 119. I just saw the Health  Minister Christopher Tufton in America,waiting on the former financial minister to escort him into the IMF building while people are suffering during their illness.


Real talk, no lie 💯.


That Spanish Town Hospital Has A Bad name about ppl dying there


You are perfectly right bro 💯 percent


You are right on point 
The workers don’t show no empathy. No love whatsoever. Such a sad situation.


The doctors are overwhelmed as well


Tufton a line him pockets. With the money that should be fixing up these medical facilities. He gives Condrew Hopeless a cut


Big up 119 I like ur vlogs ur a story teller anthen people want to put back Andrew in power they are nuts


Thank you very much.Well said.


Well said 119 so sad ❤️🙏❤️


Talk Truth mi boy tell dem 👍💯🙏 talk Truth 🙏💯💯🥵🥵🥵🥵🥺🥺🥺🤔🤔🤔💞 u 119.


More persons need to speak up about  these poor conditions


And this is the prosperity they speak of


To be poor is a crime, but when a champaign time the poor in the front of the line, our vote and unity  is very powerful , to stand for better.


Dr Dawes. Have been saying the same thing. PNP does not run the country. Your JLP party does . Don't be hypocritical. Be truthful as I respect you.


Not to mention ambulance and fire service 😢


Nice 119 keep talking the truth 👌


The government need to make more hospitals the population is growing.


Tuftoon knows that nobody is there to hold him accountable for destroying the health care system in Jamaica😢

The PM is busy and distracted dealing with his illicit enrichment investigation😮

Jamaica is DOOMED😢


Well said 119 dem can do better. It's frustrating bad dealing with the medical system in jamaica,  public and private health care.