The fact that this is not even what Dan Feng is really like and Dan Heng was battling the image of him based on what people have been feeding him for years makes this even sadder. The Myriad Celestia Trailer that talks about Dan Feng shows him in a different light and that Dan Heng was his ideal vision. Dan Heng was his liberation and his longing for freedom in my opinion which is why it's so sad that the last thing we see of him, his eyes are void of emotion. He's lost everything as well. Both Dan Feng and Dan Heng deserves a hug.
不虧是親兒子...待遇也太好!!! 愈來愈期待三月的身世之謎了~!
這動畫短片的涵義可太深啦!!人不該執著於前世...前世是前世 無論前世時是權貴滔天、萬貫家財亦或是命如草芥、十惡無赦。過去的都過去了...所以真的不用執著於要去尋回前塵記憶。前塵往事、過往雲煙如夢幻泡影...感謝過去的自己,珍惜把握當下。本我如是 喜樂長在:)
阿恒一直在强调“我不是丹枫”我感觉他在逃避,他不愿想起他前世犯下的错误,但自从他踏上仙舟的那一刻起,他决定要面对这一切,不仅是给自己 给曾经的故友一个交代,更是给现在列车组的家人们一个交代 看到阿恒被海吞噬那刻真的很希望列车组能把他拉上来,可惜没有,但好在现在有列车组陪在他身旁 很喜欢最后那边“你就是我的过去,但你..绝不是我的未来!我会开拓...我自己的路!” 最后的最后是丹枫消散,列车组的伙伴陪在身边,这算是丹恒与丹枫的和解,丹恒解开心结,决定好好以“丹恒”这个身份活着吧 一开始喜欢丹恒是因为戳我xp(我是颜狗对不起)后来慢慢了解发现和魈宝真的好像好像(人的xp是不变的啊w) 总之,希望阿恒能过得越来越好
For some reason, this animation made me especially sad that Dan Feng is gone. I understand DH wants to do his own thing, but dismissing such a significant part of him has some painful finality to it.
其實越是逃避 就越是跟自己過不去 唯有放下過去的愧疚 繼續往前邁進 才是最正確的放過自己 發生過事情是不可改的 只有正視它才能徹底放下 所以整部動畫 是在訴說丹恆從逃避過往至勇於正視過去放下執念 算是一種正視過去的自己 也原諒過去的自己 是一種真正的放下 這也跟現實中的人們一樣 可惜有多少人能做到呢
its such a sentimental short animation but i can't help but think about how 4 of the high cloud quintet were like "lets all be white haired and not tell yyj" 🤣 all jokes aside, i rly feel for danheng who wants to live his own life and not be burdened by the sins of his past life. i really adore the astral express and i hope he really finds more happiness with them! though i can't help but be sad for jingyuan who has all these memories but his friends are not who they used to be ☹️☹️ how does he control himself to not be mara strucked is really amazing...😢 as for yingxing...blade, sighs honestly im glad he has a found family - the stellaron hunters. as much as i like angsty past lifes stories, their current selves are surrounded by good people so thats a relief. let all the angst just be fanfics (i hope)
动画真的很流畅 丹恒是一个如此有趣的角色,我期待着学习更多 你不能逃避过去,所以你最好面对它 ♡
Oh wow… Genuinely, seeing and hearing these two together is so emotional and yet also badass and cool! The animation is gorgeous, with really amazing dynamic shots, but I’m also in love with the colouring and how symbolic it all is. It’s like watching another donghua filled with sakuga. 💖 Especially since I love stories where characters try to fight to be themselves, especially when it’s something like Dan Heng’s situation where he’s trying to break free of a past that no longer feels like his own. That ending too… It’s so sweet. He’s his own person now, with his own people around him. 😭 And man the voice acting added so much to this already wonderful animation! I am really obsessed with the voice acting!! The original Chinese VAs sound amazing. 👏
dan heng sharing the same VA with Childe and then dan feng sharing the same with Alhaitham is all I could ever ask for
某影片內容 當星核獵手基地停電時..... 銀狼:怎又停電了 媽:艾利歐說最近電用太多了,絕對不是你一天24小時玩遊戲用的 銀狼:灑坡打滾---- 媽:欸,銀狼因為沒有遊戲玩又哭又鬧,好可憐啊 媽:我來解決 -屏幕 丹恆熱舞 ---------------- 銀狼:有電了 刃:呵呵呵呵----丹恆----丹恆! (騎腳踏車)