Andrew Tang is great. I think he's in college now? So maybe not as active competitively. I'm curious to see if he transitions in or out of elite competitive chess eventually... I can certainly see him as a US champ but I think he'd have to go all in to be 2700+, but don't know if that's his goal, or if he's aiming for blitz or rapid champ, etc.
Not taking the white bishop on f5 and pulling back his black bishop on d6 blew my mind lol
I did not understand magnus's king move in the second game. Kh7 then again Kg7. If anyone understands the depth of this move please explain it for me. I know most of the moves are complicated and some people may want to make fun of me whether I understand the other moves. But seriously please share your knowledge for those specific moves.
i dont get it. 4:06 white queen takes pawn isnt it check mate ?
Where is the dammed clotheshorse ?
Penguingm1 is amazing. I was watching his chanell over a decade ago 🧑🏻🦳