“I know what they’re doing. It’s called not knowing what you’re talking about. I’m the king of it, I do it all the time.” -Matt’s greatest quote
This is the only podcast that I can listen to old episodes of.
“Just 2 boyz from Texas” aged like fine wine. See you soon fellas
The gamer chair era was Shrek 1
Taking a break from the middle of Dillon and Jones on the JRE to watch a superior cast how good is our God
Shane to Lemaire: Yeah? You think Chingy is more talented than Walt Disney? This show rules.
"In Mayweather's defense, he is a counterpuncher..." oh Matt never change
This might be weird as shit, but this helps me through a lot. Thank y’all for the continuous laughter
In times of darkness.. we turn to the dawgz.
How poetic that this episode happens to be the Shrek 1 of MSSP.
Listening in 2023, Matt being hype on Kanye is awesome. Kanye's story arc is wild.
can we all agree that matt is flexing his biceps at all times during the cast, regardless if its true or not.
2 years later and I'm stoked about LeMaire derailing anything; he's a good lad
Leanham dunkems lmfao great
That's nice matt would tackle Shane if he caught him sinning like that
Matt and Shane moving to Texas is shrek 2 I will not elaborate
Shane looks like the human form of shrek
Lol I remember dying at work listening to the Kanye Rogan. It’s insane that he even makes it outside.
I almost spit my beer out when he was talking about mayweather throwing combos