
If you are priming with a white spray, make sure to shake it for much longer at least 1-2 minutes for a smooth coat. When warming it up with water, when you shake it, it should no longer feel cold but cool to warm, and then you're good to go.


I keep my spray cans on a rack inside my home. I spray outdoors, but as they are inside, they never get too cold to begin with


Step 1: Never use Army Painter brand primer. 

Army Painter rattle cans are 90% coarse grit sand, 9% sludge, and 1% pigment. Each can features their patented “Super Clog” applicator. Guaranteed to gum up irreparably every time. You’ll never have to worry about getting a smooth even coat again!


Soooo many people need to see this video.


I primed my mini the other day outside and it was -30C and it turned out just fine.

(I live in northern Canada)


Brushing on liquid primer is also a good alternative when its cold, it takes longer but you dont have to worry about ventilation and the cold


Meanwhile, here in Australia we often have the opposite problem. Spray primer drying before it reaches your model. Still warm the cans up in winter though.


This is just what I needed, had gotten some new models but chocked it up to I might not be able to paint until it warm up. I’m already fairly limited on time to paint so brush priming wasn’t something I wanted to have to do. Wasn’t entirely certain warming the can like that would work as well as I’d hoped but I now see it works perfectly fine. Thanks for the tip


This is why it's worth it to get an airbrush. My time spent tripled once I no longer had to wait for warm weather to prime models.


Thank you for posting this, just got my first few space marines and I’ve been waiting to make them, the day after I bought them the weather decided to drop below 30°F for the rest of the week


Airbrush goes brrrrr




No wonder my primed minis look fuzzy cause of the cold 😭😭😭 thank you so much!!


You actually shouldn’t even be storing your rattle cans in a cold area. Read the can. I keep mine inside my house, in a closet, on a shelf, in my hobby room.


I go outside, rattle can them while snowing and bring them inside in front of a fan to dry/cure. Never had one issue. Just primed my buddies Thraka today.


I never knew this! Thanks!


Got an airbrush for this reason. Too hot, too cold, too humid. Avoid all that with a little airbrush and a corner in my basement.


I did not know that, thank you


I warm my spray cans always whether it's warm or cold it just makes the paint flow better in my opinion


I cannot unseen the finger print in the border of the base