Hundred tanks per year, zero maps per year. Let's go, hell yeah!
Gamba boxes 3 months in a row - whoever is responsible for event organisation has a serious gambling problem 💀
Finally more boxes, my hands were already starting to shake from having withdrawal symptoms from not opening some for a few weeks now
How to fix problems: Trash MM=Lootboxes OP prem Tanks=more Lootboxes unbalanced Map=much more Lootboxes Problem solved.
Top of the tree ❌ More money boxes ✅
At this point just remove Tech Trees from the game entirely. No point in competing with these loot box tanks at this rate with how fast theyre coming out
Lootboxes after lootboxes, what about giving as many maps too???
Where is TOTT?
Delete Artillery
Wow, a full month without lootboxes. 3rd time in as many months. Tbh WG I would be more interested to spend money if you sold just one tank outside of boxes more often vs hiding 90% of the new tanks behind them. Even the fillers from last year could be sold outside. There is a reason why my premium tank collection is not growing at the rate it used to
This game needs more maps !!! And big ones as in frontline. Frontline map size gives best taste for this game. In frontline mode you can enjoy every tank at max level, no bad tanks if map is big enough
The only thing that catches my eyes is the discount on gears.
I miss so much 2015-2016 World of Tanks, where you can use real money to buy "JUST" whatever you want...
Latt Stridsfordon in the article is tier IX and here in the video is tier VIII ? Downgrade? Somebody made a mistake...
Почему в Стальном охотнике нет "Наставничества" в наградах? Вы это ввели чтобы давать игрокам 3 штуки раз в 2 года (потому-что вы очень добрые)? Ждал стального, а теперь играть перехотелось...
I really love Steel Hunter, I truly do, but it is kind of sad to see there aren't anymore changes keeping things fresh other than balance tweaks that make vehicles feel a little unfamiliar. It is just being rehashed the exact same as it was, I would love to see new changes.
world of tanks lately feels like the end times of a game, just milking the community as much as possible with op prems, loot boxes, subscriptions, while everything else is falling apart like mm
I will buy again once the player support fix my login conflict issue 🤷♂️ 8 days waiting for the resolution