
I was sitting in my bedroom doing the CIY when my dog alerted me that my house was on fire. It was all contained to the garage , and no one was hurt. God really blessed my family. I thank God so much for Fr. Mike and our community. Praise be Jesus Christ.


Thank you dear Heavenly Father for sending your Son Our Lord Jesus Christ to give us The Lord's Prayer in supplication for our needs and guidance to pathway of forgiveness and holiness.

Help us dear Heavenly Father to always cling to you in all our struggles to be our source of strength in times of weariness, light in times of darkness, joy in times of sadness, healing in times of affliction for You alone can make our life serves its purpose and that is to love, adore and serve you.  Amen.

Grant everyone's prayer dear Heavenly Father for the good and salvation of our souls and of our loved ones.  Amen.

To you O Lord be the glory now and forever.  Amen.

I love you dear Heavenly Father.

Thank you Fr Mike and for all the faithful people behind your good works and everyone praying for everyone.

You are all a blessing.❀  
Have a holy Godnight.❀


It is true that "Our Father" is the summary of the whole Gospel in the right priority. Thus, it is the best and most important prayer. I loved that Fr. Mike also shared the reason behind the difference between the Catholic and non-Catholic version of this prayer due to the end phrase "for Thine is the kingdom, power and glory forever ever". It is a good liturgical development to glorify the Father even more. This is a great gift from Jesus because this provides the best way of communicating and glorifying the Heavenly Father. This is a way of showing that we love Him, trust Him, and glorify Him no matter what happens. Thank you so much, Fr. Mike and Team Ascension for this episode as well as all the past episodes so far. Looking forward to the remaining episodes and also revising these in future to strengthen my faith! I'm praying for you and for the fellow listeners. God bless


The last two day the recording went a million times faster! May God bless you today and always!


Hello everyone & Happy Day 353!πŸ™πŸ˜Š


It was so humble to see how many people hit the "like", thumbs up, button while I was listening to Fr Mike this morning.  Over 40 people within 15 minutes.  It gets me excited to see so many fellow Christians wanting to learn about the Catholic Church.  Hopefully, we can transform our lives in God's plan. 12/19/2023


My favorite day ❀ Thank you Fr Mike Day 353 The Lords PrayerπŸ™


Fr. Thank you ❀. Praying for you, for the Ascension team and for all my CIY brothers and sisters. God blessβ€πŸ™


Father, may everything that I do this day, whether it be full of joy or pain, whether it be full of love or of grief, I ask that everything I go through today be offered to you just like Jesus offered everything to you.  It is in his name we pray.  Amen.  12/19/2023.


The 'Our Father' is the summary of the whole Gospel - Tertullian
The prayer encompasses all we believe about the Trinity, a life that is centered on Jesus.
Its important for us to know the One to whom we are speaking. If we get the identity of God wrong, we'll get everything wrong. When we know that God is our Father, everything changes. It is the most perfect of prayers as it teaches us to ask for things but in the order in which we should desire them. We pray that God reorient and change our hearts to love what he loves ❀ and to hate what he hates. 😊


My daily prayer πŸ™ AND my purpose here: β€œOn Earth as it is in Heaven”


Praying for Fr. Mike & CIY πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


I've made this a regular part of my day.  I truly appreciate this.  Going to miss it terribly next year


Keep Trusting God πŸ’― !
We're in a Spiritual Battleβš”οΈβœοΈ, but we know in the End~ Mary's Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!..& God Wins!!


Thank you lord for the Our Father prayers, God bless you Fr Mike


The 'Our Father' is the "summary of the whole Gospel." Taught by the Lord Jesus, it is "the perfect prayer." It  presents in the form of prayer, the essential content of the Gospel. There is no substitute for this Christian prayer. Lord, teach us to pray πŸ™


Love God with all you hear & mind live His commended, live your life according to the Gospel and really live God  will.Amen πŸ™β€πŸ•Š


For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world


Thank you Father Mike.  You have done a world of good for many many people around the world.  Love and God bless you always 🌹


Blessings to all who are participating in the CIY & BIY todayπŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠβœοΈπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»