
voice overs, radio chatters, graphics, atmosphere, sound effects... it had everything. ahead of its time


Art direction of BF3 is unmatched even as of today. Incredible game to look back on.


Will never skip a bf3 video. Won’t ever forget ruling the skies of Kharg Island in our f18 hornets for days on end with my best friend. Rip


BF3 was my introduction into Battlefield. Damn... it still holds up. It looks better than some new games now


BF 3 set the standard for all of Battlefield. Sadly, DICE has dropped below that standard. I hope one day it will return.


EA wants us to forget about this game..

because it actually was done with love and quality control


battlefield 3 has got to be one of the biggest milestones in gaming history, it holding up in looking good category 14 years later.


Bf3 was peak battlefield


i can still remeber how hyped i was for this game, watched all the trailers for it. best bf ever


This game is my favorite FPS of all time. There will never be another game like this.


The Going Hunting mission brought the passion of aviation to me when I was 11 years old. 12 years later I passed my country's air force fighter pilot selection and aptitude tests. Unfortunately didn't make it past the second trainer aircraft phase which would've potentially allowed me to fly on FA/18-C jets. Still got to fly beast of a trainer aicraft which to me was already a dream come true. Hopefully I will end up flying for the airlines in a couple more study years and have some money to fly aerobatic airplanes from time to time haha.
Time flies and I still get goosebumps, almost emotional everytime I see that mission. I think the 11 year old me playing BF3 would be proud today :')


This era of gaming was absolutely peak. 2011 alone gave us Skyrim, BF3, Saints Row 3, Uncharted 3, Dead Space 2, Killzone 3, Mortal Kombat, LA Noire, Dead Island and many more I can't name off the top of my head. The amount of time I had on my hands after finishing year 11 to play these legendary games.

I still remember skiving 6th form with my mates to take turns getting through the BF3 campaign on Hard. Such good times!


Jack is making us weak with all these series ... what a great ending for 2024 :_JackFragsLove:


Yep. Jack knows something. He’s getting us hyped up for an announcement he knows about.


Jack is just blessing us with back to back Gems, these Holidays!!
All these childhood memories flooding right back to me


this is prime gaming , this is my favorite game of all time


This game will forever have a special place in my heart, I’ll never forget that Christmas back in 2011, I thought this was the best looking video game ever made!


The thing I love most about Jack is how much he appreciates the small details in every game he plays, and how he loves to play with all these mechanics and little destruction features. So awesome. A gamer's gamer.


Here we go....Jack playing BF3 again. I'll never get tired of it. BF3 really holds a lot of great memories from back in 2011, from the amazing look and gameplay to the glitches that kept us in stitches for years. 

Thanks for the nostalgia trip.


40:22, 47:06, 2:57:10 chills everytime. Peak campaign & goated devs!